Обсуждение: Upgrade from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2


Upgrade from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2

"Keith Worthington"
Hi All,

In case it will help someone here is what I did to upgrade from PostgreSQL
v8.0.0 to PosgreSQL v8.0.2.  For me the real driver behind this upgrade was to
add plperl during the compile.  I didn't HAVE to upgrade but since I had to
compile anyway it seemed like an intelligent thing to do.

Kind Regards,

Download PostgreSQL v8.0.2
Verify the download
    # md5sum postgresql-8.0.0rc5.tar.gz
    # more  postgresql-8.0.0rc5.tar.gz.md5
Stop the postmaster
    # service rhdb status
    postmaster (pid 1865 1864 1862) is running...
    # service rhdb stop
    Stopping PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition service:             [  OK  ]
    # service rhdb status
    postmaster is stopped
Copy the startup scripts to a safe location
    # cd /downloads
    # cp -p /etc/sysconfig/pgsql/rhdb etc_sysconfig_pgsql_rhdb
    # cp -p /etc/init.d/rhdb etc_init.d_rhdb
Copy the configuration files to a safe location
    # cd /downloads
    # cp -p /databases/pg_hba.conf databases_pg_hba.conf
    # cp -p /databases/pg_ident.conf databases_pg_ident.conf
    # cp -p /databases/postgresql.conf databases_postgresql.conf
Copy the current database directory out of the way
    # cp -rp databases databases-8.0.0
Move the current installation directory out of the way
    # mv pgsql/ pgsql-8.0.0
Unpack the files
    # gzip -dc postgresql-8.0.2.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Configure the installation
    # cd postgresql-8.0.2
    # ./configure -–with-perl
Build the installation
    # gmake
Regression test
    # su postgres
    postgres$ gmake check
    postgres$ exit
Install the software
    # gmake install
Clean up the build directory
    # gmake clean
Set up shared libraries
    # ldconfig /usr/local/pgsql/lib
Start the postmaster
    # service rhdb status
    postmaster is stopped
    # service rhdb start
    Starting PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition service:             [  OK  ]
    # service rhdb status
    postmaster (pid 6553 6552 6551 6547) is running...