Обсуждение: grant problem


grant problem

Rajarshi Mukherjee
Hello All,
i have a problem here.

i am ony giving usage grant on a function in my schema  to another user.
Then how come he's been able to execute the function in the following way?

select ins.validate('nyname','mypassword');

But if i don't give usage grant and straight way give execute grant on
the function, the user gets an error:- permission denied for schema

i want to give the user execute grant on a particular funtion in my
schema and not all functions.

How can i do that?

Thanks & Regards,

Re: grant problem

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 12:09:33PM +0530, Rajarshi Mukherjee wrote:

> i am ony giving usage grant on a function in my schema  to another user.

I think you mean you're granting usage on the schema -- "USAGE"
isn't a valid privilege type for functions.

> Then how come he's been able to execute the function in the following way?
> select ins.validate('nyname','mypassword');

The default privilege for functions grants EXECUTE to PUBLIC, so if
you've granted USAGE on the schema then users can execute functions
in that schema.

> But if i don't give usage grant and straight way give execute grant on
> the function, the user gets an error:- permission denied for schema
> ins.

Users who don't have USAGE on the function's schema won't be able
to execute the function, regardless of the function's privileges.
Think of the schema as a container: if you don't have privilege on
the container, then you can't access anything inside the container.

> i want to give the user execute grant on a particular funtion in my
> schema and not all functions.

Grant USAGE on the schema, and revoke EXECUTE on the functions you
don't want people to execute.

Michael Fuhr