Обсуждение: Upgrading PostGreSQL win32 port


Upgrading PostGreSQL win32 port

"V i s h a l Kashyap @ [Sai Hertz And Control Systems]"
Dear all,
Will installing the beta 2 of win32 be a just next - next button click
sequence on windows port or does upgradation  requires some tweaking etc

With Best Regards,
Vishal Kashyap.
Yahoo IM : coeb_college@yahoo.com
Director / Lead Software Developer,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems Pvt Ltd.

First query slow, subsequent queries fast

Dmitry Karasik
Hello all,

I observe a strange situation where if I issue a query it is slow, but
subsequent queries are fast. Obviously there are some caching schemes in
effect, but my question is rather about why might the first query be
_that_ slow. I realize that the query itself might be flawed, so probably
you can come up with some input. Here it is:

# query #1:

# explain analyze select * from messages where id in ( select msgkey
from queues where username like 'alk%' and hostname like '%' and time > '26
July 2004' and time < '26 August 2004' and inbound = 1);

 Nested Loop  (cost=79.40..82.46 rows=1 width=64) (actual
 time=80801.543..99005.053 rows=1996 loops=1)
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=79.40..79.40 rows=1 width=4) (actual
 time=80789.461..80809.255 rows=1996 loops=1)
         ->  Index Scan using queues_idx_username on queues
 (cost=0.00..79.39 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=110.044..80741.483
 rows=10320 loops=1)
               Index Cond: ((username >= 'alk'::text) AND (username <
               Filter: ((username ~~ 'alk%'::text) AND (hostname ~~
 '%'::text) AND ("time" > '2004-07-26 00:00:00+02'::timestamp with time
 zone) AND ("time" < '2004-08-26 00:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone)
 AND (inbound = 1))
   ->  Index Scan using messages_pkey on messages  (cost=0.00..3.05 rows=1
 width=64) (actual time=9.094..9.100 rows=1 loops=1996)
         Index Cond: (messages.id = "outer".msgkey)
 Total runtime: 99009.470 ms
(8 rows)

# query #2:

# explain analyze select * from messages where id in ( select msgkey
from queues where username like 'alk%' and hostname like '%' and time > '26
July 2004' and time < '26 August 2004' and inbound = 1);

 Nested Loop  (cost=79.40..82.46 rows=1 width=64) (actual
 time=155.644..199.876 rows=1996 loops=1)
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=79.40..79.40 rows=1 width=4) (actual
 time=155.604..162.959 rows=1996 loops=1)
         ->  Index Scan using queues_idx_username on queues
 (cost=0.00..79.39 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=0.216..141.122 rows=10320
               Index Cond: ((username >= 'alk'::text) AND (username <
               Filter: ((username ~~ 'alk%'::text) AND (hostname ~~
 '%'::text) AND ("time" > '2004-07-26 00:00:00+02'::timestamp with time
 zone) AND ("time" < '2004-08-26 00:00:00+02'::timestamp with time zone)
 AND (inbound = 1))
   ->  Index Scan using messages_pkey on messages  (cost=0.00..3.05 rows=1
 width=64) (actual time=0.012..0.014 rows=1 loops=1996)
         Index Cond: (messages.id = "outer".msgkey)
 Total runtime: 201.371 ms
(8 rows)


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