Обсуждение: how to send scheduled email from PostgreSQL


how to send scheduled email from PostgreSQL

I am interested in having a PostgreSQL query run and some email
sent on an automatic basis.  Doesnt seem like trigger does this
sort of thing and I didnt see any reference to sending email
in a couple PostgreSQL books.

My host system is Redhad 8, Apache, Postfix, PHP and Perl.
I could add another scripting language if needed.  Shell
is bash.

A web search turned up a couple references from 2000 and
2001 like pqmail.  Is there any thing more recent that is adpated
to current versions of php and PostgreSQL?


Re: how to send scheduled email from PostgreSQL

Daniel Staal
--As off Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:25 AM -0800, hodges@xprt.net is
alleged to have said:

> I am interested in having a PostgreSQL query run and some email
> sent on an automatic basis.  Doesnt seem like trigger does this
> sort of thing and I didnt see any reference to sending email
> in a couple PostgreSQL books.
> My host system is Redhad 8, Apache, Postfix, PHP and Perl.
> I could add another scripting language if needed.  Shell
> is bash.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I'd write a Perl script that runs the query and sends the email, then
set a cron job to run the script.  Should be fairly simple, look at
CPAN for MAIL:: modules that you can use to help with sending the

Daniel T. Staal

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