Обсуждение: Ranking?



Hi list,
Wondering if you could help me out here? I've got a table like this:
id    name    data
1    sully        567
2    sully        789
3    sully        456
4    denan       890
5    denan        678
now I want to have this:
id    name    data    rank
1    sully        567    2
2    sully        789    1
3    sully        456    3
4    denan       890    1
5    denan        678    2
I'm think along the lines with count, something like this:
select id,name,data, (select count (names) from table as tmp where data.tmp > data.table) as rank
this (I know) is not correct. What would be?
Greetings sjors

Re: Ranking?

Manfred Koizar
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:45:35 +0200, "Sjors" <jkwast@freeler.nl> wrote:
>now I want to have this:
>id    name    data    rank
>1    sully        567    2
>2    sully        789    1
>3    sully        456    3
>4    denan       890    1
>5    denan        678    2

SELECT id, name, data, (SELECT count(*) + 1
                          FROM tbl AS tmp
                         WHERE tmp.name = tbl.name
                           AND tmp.data > tbl.data) AS rank
  FROM tbl;

should get you going but might perform horribly without an index on
name ...


Re: Ranking?

Hi Manfred,

Sometimes the solution is right in front of you, but the cloud is to thick.
Thanks a lot, it worked like a charm. The reason I want this, is to have a
new type of index, so speed is not a issue and data file not big (just about
15000 records). I know, it's sounds silly.

Greetings Sjors

> >now I want to have this:
> >
> >id    name    data    rank
> >1    sully        567    2
> >2    sully        789    1
> >3    sully        456    3
> >4    denan       890    1
> >5    denan        678    2
> SELECT id, name, data, (SELECT count(*) + 1
>                           FROM tbl AS tmp
>                          WHERE tmp.name = tbl.name
>                            AND tmp.data > tbl.data) AS rank
>   FROM tbl;
> should get you going but might perform horribly without an index on
> name ...
> Servus
>  Manfred