Обсуждение: building postgre on existing server


building postgre on existing server

"Brian Gustin"
I have an existing server already running python and mysql, also has an administrative control panel (Ensim)  which is tied in to those services, however it does not include postgre. yet I need postgre for a specific script that I plan to run.. I wonder do I need to build postgre together with the other required modules (python and pl among others)  or is it possible to build postgre around those modules?
I have yet to really do a build or make on anything, since the server was setup for me already.. so basically I am treading on unknown ground here...
however I am fairly confident I can manage a build or make quite well.. I just dont really thoroughly understand the reasons that some modules must be built together .. and will it affect the existing mysql installation to rebuild PL and Python at all??
Thanks for any advice!