Обсуждение: Select-into, count error (stored function).


Select-into, count error (stored function).

Michael Weaver

We have the following Function (Still building it up)
We call it with the following SQL

SELECT * FROM sp_report_retail_sales ('{1,2,3}', 3, to_timestamp ('10-02-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), to_timestamp ('14-02-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), true);

The top query (size = 0) returns a result set, but when the "count (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid)"
line is left in the second query (ELSE query), we get the following error

WARNING:  Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL function sp_report_retail_sales
WARNING:  line 40 at select into variables
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "(" at character 69

If we comment this line out, it works and we get the following output

NOTICE:  Found 1
NOTICE:  Not Found 2
NOTICE:  Not Found 3
 prdcrd_id | title | num_sales | base_total | gst_total
(0 rows)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_report_retail_sales(int8[], int8, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, boolean) RETURNS SETOF sp_report_retail_sales_type AS '

        prod_id ALIAS FOR $1;
        size ALIAS FOR $2;
        start_date ALIAS FOR $3;
        end_date ALIAS FOR $4;
        include_soh ALIAS FOR $5;

        counter int8;
        title text;
        retset record;

        IF size = 0 THEN
                FOR retset IN
                        SELECT  tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id,
                                count (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid),
                                sum (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_price * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_quantity),
                                sum (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_price * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_quantity * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_gst)

                        FROM    tbl_prdcrd INNER JOIN tbl_tranitem ON tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id = tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid

                                INNER JOIN tbl_tran ON tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_transactionid = tbl_tran.fld_tran_id
                        WHERE   tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_type = 1 AND
                                tbl_tran.fld_tran_date > start_date AND
                                tbl_tran.fld_tran_date < end_date
                        GROUP BY tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id,
                        RETURN NEXT retset;
                END LOOP;
                FOR count IN 1..size LOOP
                        SELECT  tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id,
                ->              count (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid),     <-
                                sum (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_price * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_quantity),
                                sum (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_price * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_quantity * tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_gst)

                        INTO    retset
                        FROM    tbl_prdcrd INNER JOIN tbl_tranitem ON tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id = tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid

                                INNER JOIN tbl_tran ON tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_transactionid = tbl_tran.fld_tran_id
                        WHERE   tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_type = 1 AND
                                tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id = prod_id[count] AND
                                tbl_tran.fld_tran_date > start_date AND
                                tbl_tran.fld_tran_date < end_date
                        GROUP BY tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id,

                        IF NOT FOUND THEN
                                RAISE NOTICE ''Not Found %'', count;
                                RAISE NOTICE ''Found %'', count;

                        END IF;
                END LOOP;
        END IF;


Mike Weaver
Software Developer

5, 42 Ladner Street
O'Connor, WA, 6163
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E: mweaver@corpusglobe.com

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Re: Select-into, count error (stored function).

Tom Lane
Michael Weaver <mweaver@corpusglobe.com> writes:

>         FOR count IN 1..size LOOP

>             SELECT    tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_id,
>                 tbl_prdcrd.fld_prdcrd_title,
>         ->        count (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_productid),
> <-
>                 sum (tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_price *
> tbl_tranitem.fld_tranitem_quantity),

I think the problem is that you've used "count" as the loop variable
name.  The plpgsql parser is probably substituting a variable reference
for the "count" that you intend as an aggregate function name.  Use a
different name for the loop variable.

[ beware, off-topic rant ahead ]

> This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named
> above and may contain information that is confidential. If you are not the
> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
> distribution or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. When addressed
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> to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing Corpus Globe client
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> us immediately by return email or telephone +61 8 9331 2700 and destroy the
> original message. Thank You.

Do your company's lawyers really expect anyone to take this seriously in
a message sent to a public mailing list?  Perhaps I shall call that
number and tell them they look like utter fools.

            regards, tom lane