Обсуждение: Need Help have problems


Need Help have problems

"Jose Guillermo Guzman"
Hello, I am working for a company that had been working with a
application made in GENEXUS, since 3 years ago.  We are migrating all
information from windows to Red Hat Linux, except the computers (3)
that we build the app's.  I have installed a Red Hat 7.3 server with
postgresql and transfered all my SQL2000 data files, this worked very
well.  I made a installation program from GENEXUS to installit in a
linux workstation with WINE.  Wine, worked very well, made the
installation correctly, but when i run the application allways appears
a "Runtime error 3683/6383 (i don't remember very well, i am at home but
i will send the error to someone that helps me)".  I configured my
workstation to use with TCP/IP on 5362 (i think this is the default),
the program recognize it by using ODBC, but when I login the app allways
appear that error.  GENEXUS generates Visual Basic program.

I really need help asap. I will appreciate all your help.   Thank You.

Re: Need Help have problems

"Hendrik Coetzee"
Hi Jose

As far as I can see, your problem is not with PostgreSQL, but with wine.
I am not too familier with the inner workings of wine, but I know that
any simulation can not be as good as the real thing.  (What I am saying
is that no matter how we *might* hate windows, wine can not be as *good*
as windows).

I suggest you tackle this problem in a wine user group...

Hendrik Coetzee

Linux - because a 486 has feelings too...

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Jose Guillermo
Sent: 05 February 2003 10:48 AM
To: pgsql-novice@postgresql.org
Subject: [NOVICE] Need Help have problems

Hello, I am working for a company that had been working with a
application made in GENEXUS, since 3 years ago.  We are migrating all
information from windows to Red Hat Linux, except the computers (3)
that we build the app's.  I have installed a Red Hat 7.3 server with
postgresql and transfered all my SQL2000 data files, this worked very
well.  I made a installation program from GENEXUS to installit in a
linux workstation with WINE.  Wine, worked very well, made the
installation correctly, but when i run the application allways appears
a "Runtime error 3683/6383 (i don't remember very well, i am at home but

i will send the error to someone that helps me)".  I configured my
workstation to use with TCP/IP on 5362 (i think this is the default),
the program recognize it by using ODBC, but when I login the app allways

appear that error.  GENEXUS generates Visual Basic program.

I really need help asap. I will appreciate all your help.   Thank You.

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