Обсуждение: Wading My Way through the Wrox Book-- have a few questions


Wading My Way through the Wrox Book-- have a few questions

Cheryl Thompson
1)It's not clear, and this will heavily influence how we use PostGresQL in
the future--- once you have a DB created through cygwin is the DB like an
access DB-- here's a file, modify as you like, no services need to be
running, or a MSSQL DB--- the server MUST be running @ all times to do
anything with the data in the DB??

2)_Beginning Databases with PostgresSQL_ was published in 2001. It refers to
a registry hack to get postgresql to auto start on Windows; is there another
way to do this with the current cygwin and postgresql and ipc builds
(everything downloaded 12/30/2 as the newest full build)? I prefer not to
hack the registry; it tends to make network support people really cranky. :>

3)Is there another book that would be helpful? A website I'm missing? Most
of the site's I'm reading assume a prior knowledge of All Things Open Source
Especially Configuring And Installing Things On Linux and my friends on IRC
are about to shoot me if I ask one more time how to get something up and
running (one of the installs didn't include basic things like, "you will
need to run make", and as a windows/Mac person I had never used make

I'm running postgresql through cygwin on a windows 2000 workstation working
towards implementation on a NT ( I know, ick) server as a web backend for a
homebuilt calendar database.

Any advice (aside from the usual MS rants :>) appreciated!

Cheryl in Texas

Re: Wading My Way through the Wrox Book-- have a few questions

Tom Sheehan

1.) The server must be running for you to access the database.

2-3.) I've had good luck with "PostgreSQL", "Developer's Handbook", written
by Getschwinde, Schonig, published by Sams publishing.  The discussion of
cygnus limited.

In case you haven't seen them, there are a couple of web sites listed that
may be of value to you listed in the text.
http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/   (new release 12/25/02)

The Sams text also talks about installing as a service:
    ipc-daemon --install-as-service

And starting the daemon as follows:
net start ipc-daemon    # NT/2000

I don't know much about cygnus, but it looks like the "net start" commands
should work in a startup batch.  (in or called from autoexec.bat)  From
there, I believe you would switch to more normal postgresql procedures.

Are you having more trouble with cygnus or with postgresql, or can you tell?

Tom Sheehan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cheryl Thompson" <cthompso@ci.irving.tx.us>
To: <pgsql-novice@postgresql.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: [NOVICE] Wading My Way through the Wrox Book-- have a few questions

> 1)It's not clear, and this will heavily influence how we use PostGresQL in
> the future--- once you have a DB created through cygwin is the DB like an
> access DB-- here's a file, modify as you like, no services need to be
> running, or a MSSQL DB--- the server MUST be running @ all times to do
> anything with the data in the DB??
> 2)_Beginning Databases with PostgresSQL_ was published in 2001. It refers
> a registry hack to get postgresql to auto start on Windows; is there
> way to do this with the current cygwin and postgresql and ipc builds
> (everything downloaded 12/30/2 as the newest full build)? I prefer not to
> hack the registry; it tends to make network support people really cranky.
> 3)Is there another book that would be helpful? A website I'm missing? Most
> of the site's I'm reading assume a prior knowledge of All Things Open
> Especially Configuring And Installing Things On Linux and my friends on
> are about to shoot me if I ask one more time how to get something up and
> running (one of the installs didn't include basic things like, "you will
> need to run make", and as a windows/Mac person I had never used make
> before.)
> I'm running postgresql through cygwin on a windows 2000 workstation
> towards implementation on a NT ( I know, ick) server as a web backend for
> homebuilt calendar database.
> Any advice (aside from the usual MS rants :>) appreciated!
> Cheryl in Texas
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