Обсуждение: formatting current_timestamp


formatting current_timestamp

Is there anyway that I can format CURRENT_TIMESTAMP so all it gives me is
the data and not the long hours;minutes;seconds part? I like to use it to
give a time to things put in the DB but the string is a little long for my

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Re: formatting current_timestamp

Steve Crawford
Try to_char:

 select to_char(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'As text: FMDay FMMonth FMDD\n"A date:"
YYYY-MM-DD\nA time: HH:MM:SS');
 As text: Friday December 13
A date: 2002-12-13
A time: 12:12:05
(1 row)

Of course, pick from the many formatting options that suit your need (Note:
preceeding an option with 'FM' trims of excess spaces and you may have to
quote things that could be incorrectly interpreted as formatting (the 'd' in
"A date" for example would be replaced with the day of week if not quoted).


On Friday 13 December 2002 12:03 pm, Gallamine wrote:
> Is there anyway that I can format CURRENT_TIMESTAMP so all it gives me is
> the data and not the long hours;minutes;seconds part? I like to use it to
> give a time to things put in the DB but the string is a little long for my
> likeing.
> -William
> [ GoRobotics.net | RobotGeeks.com | RobotDirectory.org ]
> Amateur robotics for the masses. Enter the world of robotics
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "...God maintains a delicate balance between keeping his
> existence sufficiently evident so people will know He's there
> and yet hiding his presence enough so that people who
> want to choose to ignore him can do it "
>  - J.P. Moreland PH.D.
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> Carpe Aeternum - Seize Eternity
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Re: formatting current_timestamp

David C.Oshel
This resource is invaluable, but I wish I could print off the 500 or so
all-time best q&a's and read at leisure.

Is there a downloadable  archive or "YANK" compendium for pgsql-novice?

YANK, of course, means "Ynfrequently Asked Non-trivial Kwestions",
similar to RTFDSOMO ("read the $50 summary of menu options" ;-).

David C. Oshel               mailto:dcoshel@inav.net
Cedar Rapids, Iowa       http://soli.inav.net/~dcoshel
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