Обсуждение: tcl script


tcl script

Vijay Deval
I extended Bruce Momjian's script for use with my application. It does
insert record into the desired table, but says "pg_recvbuf: unexpected
EOF on client connection. Where is the error?

here is the script that I have named as "inward"

set conn [pg_connect test];    # connect to the database

puts -nonewline "Enter first three characters: "    ;# prompt user for
a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin code
                      ;# send the query
set cmd "string toupper $code"
set ucode [eval $cmd]
set res [pg_exec $conn \
"SELECT name,clid \
FROM client\
WHERE upper(substring(name from 1 for 3)) = '$ucode' "]

set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
if {$ntups==0} {puts stdout "No match found"; return} else {
for {set i 0} {$i < $ntups} {incr i} {
puts stdout [pg_result $res -getTuple $i];

puts -nonewline "Enter client number: "    ;# prompt user for a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin mclid
                      ;# send the query

set res [pg_exec $conn \
"SELECT jobkey,jobname\
FROM job\
where job.clid=client.clid and job.clid=$mclid"]

set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
if {$ntups==0 } {puts stdout "No record found"; return} else {
for {set i 0} {$i < $ntups} {incr i} {
puts stdout [pg_result $res -getTuple $i];
} }

puts -nonewline "Enter jobcode: "    ;# prompt user for a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin jobno
                      ;# send the query

puts -nonewline "Enter indoc no: "    ;# prompt user for a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin docno
                      ;# send the query

puts -nonewline "Enter indoc date 'yyyymmdd' : "    ;# prompt user for
a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin datein
                   ;# send the query

set res [pg_exec $conn \
"SELECT hlpstr\
FROM job\
WHERE jobkey=$jobno"]
set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
set mstr [pg_result $res -getTuple 0];

puts -nonewline "Enter quantity $mstr: "    ;# prompt user for a  code
flush stdout
gets stdin qty
             ;# send the query
set res [pg_exec $conn \
"SELECT rate\
FROM job\
WHERE jobkey=$jobno"]

set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
set mrate [pg_result $res -getTuple 0];
puts stdout $mrate
pg_result $res -clear

pg_exec $conn \
"insert into inmat (clid,jobkey, oc,ratex,indoc,indate,inqty) values

pg_disconnect $conn;


Re: tcl script

David C.Oshel
Missing semicolon?

On Thursday, December 5, 2002, at 06:17  AM, Vijay Deval wrote:

> set res [pg_exec $conn \
> "SELECT name,clid \
> FROM client\
> WHERE upper(substring(name from 1 for 3)) = '$ucode' "]

David C. Oshel               mailto:dcoshel@inav.net
Cedar Rapids, Iowa       http://soli.inav.net/~dcoshel
``I think most pleasantly in metaphors, and smoking brings metaphors to
mind." - Augustus Srb, in Alexei Panshin's  _Star Well_

Re: tcl script

Vijay Deval
Hi David

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried semicolons, but still
"pg_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection" continues.

"David C.Oshel" wrote:
> Missing semicolon?

> > set res [pg_exec $conn \
> > "SELECT name,clid \
> > FROM client\
> > WHERE upper(substring(name from 1 for 3)) = '$ucode' "]