Обсуждение: installation..



"Miro Kralovic"
Hi guys..

I've just installed RedHat 7.3 with PgSQL packages and I don't really know
where to start now.

I have few questions:

1. how do I add users and hosts?
2. how do I run client?
3. when trying to run PgAccess client, it tell's me I need libpgtcl.so. I
found a package that has it, installed it but still can't run pgaccess.. is
there anything else I've missed?

sorry for this stupid questions, any help would be very appreciated..

Re: installation..

Glenn English
On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 19:30, Miro Kralovic wrote:

> I've just installed RedHat 7.3 with PgSQL packages and I don't really know
> where to start now.

I'm in a very similar situation, but a little farther along...

> 1. how do I add users and hosts?

I did it with webmin's postgresql module. It's part of the main webmin
download from http://www.webmin.com

> 2. how do I run client?

psql? I'm not real sure about that.

> 3. when trying to run PgAccess client, it tell's me I need libpgtcl.so. I
> found a package that has it, installed it but still can't run pgaccess.. is
> there anything else I've missed?

To solve that, I did a google search for libpgtcl.so. There were several
versions available, but one looked like version 7.2, so I grabbed it and
installed it, and pgaccess started working.

This is where I'm stuck. Pgaccess says the connection is refused when
asked to connect to a server at port 5432 on localhost.
If I leave the hostname empty, pgaccess fills the hostname field with
"local (sockets)" and opens the database.
Telnet localhost 5432 also says the connection is refused.
Webmin's postgresql module connects to the server. I can set server
config options and create databases and tables with webmin, and webmin
can start and stop the server.
If I run psql with no arguments, it connects to a database named ghe (my
I ran an nmap tcp SYN scan of ports 1-65535 on localhost. 5432 is not
open, and examining all the open ports with fuser, ps, and grep accounts
for all of them - and neither postgresql nor postmaster is using any of
the active ports.
When the system boots, the postgresql startup script says it is
successful, and there is nothing to the contrary in the system log.
Iptables says it is accepting and forwarding everything.
I've tried as user ghe and as user postgres.
I've installed 7.2.2 that came in an RPM with RedHat 8.0, and I've
downloaded and installed 7.3 from the web site.

Help, please??

Glenn English

Re: installation..

Jeffrey Melloy
Start postmaster with -i.  This will tell it to listen for tcp/ip
packets on port 5432.
On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 09:36  PM, Glenn English wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 19:30, Miro Kralovic wrote:
>> I've just installed RedHat 7.3 with PgSQL packages and I don't really
>> know
>> where to start now.
> I'm in a very similar situation, but a little farther along...
>> 1. how do I add users and hosts?
> I did it with webmin's postgresql module. It's part of the main webmin
> download from http://www.webmin.com
>> 2. how do I run client?
> psql? I'm not real sure about that.
>> 3. when trying to run PgAccess client, it tell's me I need
>> libpgtcl.so. I
>> found a package that has it, installed it but still can't run
>> pgaccess.. is
>> there anything else I've missed?
> To solve that, I did a google search for libpgtcl.so. There were
> several
> versions available, but one looked like version 7.2, so I grabbed it
> and
> installed it, and pgaccess started working.
> This is where I'm stuck. Pgaccess says the connection is refused when
> asked to connect to a server at port 5432 on localhost.
> If I leave the hostname empty, pgaccess fills the hostname field with
> "local (sockets)" and opens the database.
> Telnet localhost 5432 also says the connection is refused.
> Webmin's postgresql module connects to the server. I can set server
> config options and create databases and tables with webmin, and webmin
> can start and stop the server.
> If I run psql with no arguments, it connects to a database named ghe
> (my
> username).
> I ran an nmap tcp SYN scan of ports 1-65535 on localhost. 5432 is not
> open, and examining all the open ports with fuser, ps, and grep
> accounts
> for all of them - and neither postgresql nor postmaster is using any of
> the active ports.
> When the system boots, the postgresql startup script says it is
> successful, and there is nothing to the contrary in the system log.
> Iptables says it is accepting and forwarding everything.
> I've tried as user ghe and as user postgres.
> I've installed 7.2.2 that came in an RPM with RedHat 8.0, and I've
> downloaded and installed 7.3 from the web site.
> Help, please??
> --
> Glenn English
> ghe@slsware.com
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to
> majordomo@postgresql.org
Jeffrey Melloy


Re: installation..

Glenn English
On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 21:06, Jeffrey Melloy wrote:
> Start postmaster with -i.  This will tell it to listen for tcp/ip
> packets on port 5432.

It did indeed. The important part, though, was realizing that postgresql
doesn't listen for IP packets by default.

The -i switch to postmaster isn't a practical solution on my system,
though, because the startup script uses pg_ctl, and -i isn't a legal
option. There's a param in the config file called tcpip_socket - the
first one in the distributed postgresql.config - that needs to be set to
true. It's all in TFM, once I knew to look for it.

Thanks very much.

Postgresql isn't like the other servers I've played with on Linux. I
have a feeling I'm at the bottom of a very high and very steep learning

Glenn English