Обсуждение: Automatic update of table, does not update web site


Automatic update of table, does not update web site

"Norman Khine"
I am a bit puzzled here as to what is going on! I have a website which uses
a postgresql db and has several tables of which one is product table,
category table and a category_product table.

My question /or my problem is following a previous posts I now managed to
figure out how to import the data into the product table from an existing
access database, I have also imported the categories table and also managed
to import the category_product relational table which basically has
category_id and product_id.

Now, the weird thing that is happening is that on the admin bit of the site
I am able to view all the products, but when I go to the actual site I am
unable to "drill" down through the categories in order to see the products,
UNLESS I physically click on the UPDATE button on the product edit form,
which as it should displays that the product has a relation to a category
and is highlighted.

Is this a php issue or database or both maybe;^(

Has anyone done a similar exercise before.

Here are the table structures:

 CREATE TABLE "category" (
    "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('"category_id_seq"'::text) NOT NULL,
    "name" character varying(128),
    "parent" integer,
    "description" character varying(255),
    "view" integer,
    "keywords" text,
    "featured_1" integer,
    "featured_2" integer,
    "visible" integer DEFAULT 1

CREATE TABLE "category_product" (
    "category" integer,
    "product" integer

CREATE TABLE "product" (
    "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('"product_id_seq"'::text) NOT NULL,
    "status" integer,
    "manufacturer" integer,
    "name" character varying(128),
    "model" character varying(128),
    "shortdesc" text,
    "longdesc" text,
    "smallimage" character varying(128),
    "largeimage" character varying(128),
    "xlargeimage" character varying(128),
    "pdf" character varying(128),
    "manual_url" character varying(128),
    "keywords" text,
    "weight" numeric(8,3),
    "volumetric" numeric(8,3),
    "supplier" integer,
    "supplierpart" character varying(128),
    "vatrate" integer

Thank you

z/^^^^^^^^/z/******\zz|*^^^^|*|z|*|^^^^^|z norman khine
zzzzzz/**/z|**/^^\**|z|*|zzz|*|z|*|zzzzzzz mailto:norman@khine.net
zzzzz/**/zz|*|zzzz|*|z|****/*/zz|*****|zzz purley
z/******/zz|*|zzzz|*|z|*|^^zzzzz|*|^^^|zzz UK

Re: Automatic update of table, does not update web site

Josh Berkus

> Now, the weird thing that is happening is that on the admin bit of the site
> I am able to view all the products, but when I go to the actual site I am
> unable to "drill" down through the categories in order to see the products,
> UNLESS I physically click on the UPDATE button on the product edit form,
> which as it should displays that the product has a relation to a category
> and is highlighted.

This is an issue with your interface programming.  Talk to whomever programmed
your interface (in PHP?).

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco