Обсуждение: Multibyte support


Multibyte support


I am new to PostgreSQL and multi byte encoding. I am trying to see how
PostgreSQL can support multibyte encoding.
I have installed the software using cygwin binary. I am having trouble while
enabling multibyte support of PostgreSQL.

I have set the encoding to EUC_CN using the initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data2
-E EUC_CN command. Then set the front end encoing to EUC_CN again using
\encoding EUC_CN on psql prompt.

1. I created a table called test with two fields both of which are varchars.

2. I tried inserting the following statemet insert into test values ('
.....', '....');
I tried cutting and pasting the chinese characters from a site for testing
purpose. But, when I try to paste these values at psql prompt, it gets
converted to ASCII.

What is the problem here. Is it the installation? Any pointers will be
highly appreciated.

Best Regards
- Geetha
Hewlett Packard (India)
+91 80 2051382 (Phone)
847 1382 (HP Telnet)