Обсуждение: (Fwd) how to change or set password for a database


(Fwd) how to change or set password for a database

I have postgres running on a redhat 7.1 install.  I am getting
permission denied when trying to run a php script thru
localhost (php is running also).

Actually just trying to set up a local copy of a database so
I can do development work locally.  The remote database has
a password (the connect script used there includes a password)
but I can find nothing in the documentation on how to set or
change a database password.

Please reply to hodges@xprt.net

Thanks, Tom

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Re: (Fwd) how to change or set password for a database


in you rdata directory there should be a file called pg_hba.conf. read
through the comments in that file and it should explain access control. on
a side note, are you able to connect to any databases using php? if not
you might not be starting the postmaster with the right options. on older
versions of postgres this was dont by starting the postmaster with the
"-i" option. i dont recall right off hand what it is in 7.1.


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Sometime in September hodges@xprt.net assaulted keyboard and produced...

|I have postgres running on a redhat 7.1 install.  I am getting
|permission denied when trying to run a php script thru
|localhost (php is running also).
|Actually just trying to set up a local copy of a database so
|I can do development work locally.  The remote database has
|a password (the connect script used there includes a password)
|but I can find nothing in the documentation on how to set or
|change a database password.
|Please reply to hodges@xprt.net
|Thanks, Tom
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|---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
|TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
|    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)