Обсуждение: Display version


Display version

Frank Hilliard
I've just figured out how to display the PostgreSQL version number in
Cold Fusion. Here's the code:
<CFQUERY NAME="getversion" DATASOURCE="yourdatasource"> SELECT
Best regards,
Frank Hilliard

Insert into two tables

"Robby Slaughter"
This seems like such a common place procedure that I figure there had
to be a "right" way to do it.

I've got two tables, orders and order_items. orders has a primary
key "ordersid" and order_items has a foreign key, orderid (which
obviously references orders.ordersid)

Say I want to create a new order and put some items into it. If
I use an autoincrement field I could just:

  INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( ... );

And then I need to get the orderid I just created to create
new records in the orderitems table So am I supposed to
immediately do a:

  SELECT ordersid FROM orders ORDER BY ordersid DESC LIMIT 1;

And then get the value, and then do inserts in the order items
table? Surely there's some way to wrap this all up into a
nice little procedure or something.



-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Frank Hilliard
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:05 PM
To: Postgres Novice
Subject: [NOVICE] Display version

I've just figured out how to display the PostgreSQL version number in
Cold Fusion. Here's the code:
<CFQUERY NAME="getversion" DATASOURCE="yourdatasource"> SELECT
Best regards,
Frank Hilliard

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Re: Insert into two tables

On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 04:18:57PM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth:
> I've got two tables, orders and order_items. orders has a primary
> key "ordersid" and order_items has a foreign key, orderid (which
> obviously references orders.ordersid)
> Say I want to create a new order and put some items into it. If
> I use an autoincrement field I could just:
>   INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( ... );
> And then I need to get the orderid I just created to create
> new records in the orderitems table So am I supposed to
> immediately do a:
>   SELECT ordersid FROM orders ORDER BY ordersid DESC LIMIT 1;

*bonk* What about the transaction that completed before you did the

> And then get the value, and then do inserts in the order items
> table? Surely there's some way to wrap this all up into a
> nice little procedure or something.

Er, I usually just do this:

select nextval('sequence');
insert into table(id_col) values (<nextval from above>);

That way you are guaranteed a unique sequence value.

You can also do this as:
insert into table (all_columns_except_serial) values (whatever);

> Thanks----
> -Robby
