Обсуждение: MS Access Embedded SQL


MS Access Embedded SQL

Simeon Veldstra
Hi list,
 Thanks for the quick answer this morning.
I'm trying to execute a SQL statement from within
Visual Basic for MS Access. I have RTFM, the online
help is either incredibly dumbed down or arcane and

I'm trying to assemble the statement by concatenating
strings and passing the lot to DoCmd.RunSQL
I'm getting a syntax error but I can't find it.

Here is my code:
Private Sub SendUpdate_Click()
    ' Code to put the contents of the fields into the
    ' Embedded SQL statement
    ' Simeon Veldstra, BIM-Ltd 2000

    Dim ConnectString As String
    Dim SQLStatement As String

    ConnectString = Chr$(34) & "ODBC;" & Chr$(34) & "

    SQLStatement = "INSERT INTO sim IN " &
    SQLStatement = SQLStatement & " (motorcycle,
displacement, make, model, color, year) "
    SQLStatement = SQLStatement & " VALUES ( " &
Me!motorcycleIn & ", " & Me!displacementIn & ", "
    SQLStatement = SQLStatement & Me!makeIn & ", " &
Me!modelIn & ", " & Me!colorIn & ", " & Me!yearIn & ")

    'Put string into window so I can check it
    Me!SQLWindow = SQLStatement

    DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLStatement)

End Sub

All the &'s evaluate to:
INSERT INTO sim IN "ODBC;" [DSN=testdb;]
(motorcycle, displacement, make, model, color, year)
VALUES ( Little Red, 70, Honda, C70, red, 1982)

(newlines added for clarity)

The examples in the online help all interface to other
microsoft products

I am running 7.0.2 on linux

Thanks in advance for any help
Simeon Veldstra

--Failure is not an option, it comes bundled with your
Microsoft product

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