Обсуждение: Islands in Polygons


Islands in Polygons

"Phillip J. Allen"
Hi all,

I am experimenting with exporting some geology/lithology polygons out of
ArcView for Windows.  I have over 100 different files (all same format)
and wish to put them into one Postgresql table so they can be
downloaded/filtered off the network for various mapping projects.  But
just one snag.  What about islands in the polygons (otherwise know as
donuts) or multipart polygons?  Can pgsql handle these sorts of
polygons?  Should I put islands/multipart into a 1:many relationship
table with my attributes?  But then how do remote GIS systems put them
back together?  Any body with some experience?

Are there any other suggestions from the group on how I can use pgsql
for my remote GIS data server?  Are there any web sites about pgsql
geometic types?

Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Phillip J. Allen
Consulting Geochemist/Geologist
Lima Peru
e-mail: paallen@attglobal.net