Обсуждение: tuple maximum size; plpgsql to sendmail?


tuple maximum size; plpgsql to sendmail?

ERIC Lawson - x52010
Hi, and TIA,

Can anybody here answer these questions:

1) I've seen references to the maximum size of a tuple as being
configurable within the range of 8 to 32K, yet the incorporation of blobs
seems to contradict any maximum size constraint.  Is there a maximum tuple
size, and if so, what is it?  (To be sure, the server environment limits
the size of a tuple, attribute and class, but does postgreSQL imposes
limits itself?)

2) I'd like to use a plpgsql procedure to send mail when a trigger event
or condition pertains (e.g., when the interval between the system date and
a date stored in an attribute reaches 14 days).  Is this possible with
plpgsql, and how would it be achieved?


James Eric Lawson
Research Publications Editor III
National Simulation Resource


Re: tuple maximum size; plpgsql to sendmail?

Andrew McMillan
ERIC Lawson - x52010 wrote:
> Hi, and TIA,
> Can anybody here answer these questions:
> 1) I've seen references to the maximum size of a tuple as being
> configurable within the range of 8 to 32K, yet the incorporation of blobs
> seems to contradict any maximum size constraint.  Is there a maximum tuple
> size, and if so, what is it?  (To be sure, the server environment limits
> the size of a tuple, attribute and class, but does postgreSQL imposes
> limits itself?)

A bit less than 8k is the 'default' limit (8k less tuple overhead).  You
can use the 'LZTEXT' type to compress large text fields though, as a
first approach.  You can recompile PostgreSQL with the block size set
larger (up to 32k) so the limit increases to a bit less than 32k.

Coming in version 7.1 is a thing called 'TOAST' (it's in current CVS)
which will let you store larger tuples - have a read about it on the

> 2) I'd like to use a plpgsql procedure to send mail when a trigger event
> or condition pertains (e.g., when the interval between the system date and
> a date stored in an attribute reaches 14 days).  Is this possible with
> plpgsql, and how would it be achieved?

A PL/PGSQL procedure won't run by itself.  You would have to set
something up to do a pass through the database looking for such records

    SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE tbl.c_time < (now() - timespan('14 days'));

would be a suitable SQL query.  If the c_time field is indexed it would
use an indexed lookup and so should be efficient.

You could run such a query in a shell script like:

IDLIST=`psql -d database -c "SELECT my_id FROM tbl WHERE tbl.c_time <
(now() - timespan('14 days'));"`
for ID in $IDLIST
  echo "$ID expired" | mail -s "$ID expired" user@email.dom

If you're doing much more complex stuff than that I'd go for a
higher-level language for the scripting such as Perl, Python or C.

Hope this is some assistance,
            Andrew McMillan, e-mail: Andrew@cat-it.co.nz
Catalyst IT Ltd, PO Box 10-225, Level 22, 105 The Terrace, Wellington
Me: +64 (21) 635 694, Fax: +64 (4) 499 5596, Office: +64 (4) 499 2267

Re: tuple maximum size; plpgsql to sendmail?

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, ERIC Lawson - x52010 wrote:

> Hi, and TIA,
> Can anybody here answer these questions:
> 1) I've seen references to the maximum size of a tuple as being
> configurable within the range of 8 to 32K, yet the incorporation of blobs
> seems to contradict any maximum size constraint.  Is there a maximum tuple
> size, and if so, what is it?  (To be sure, the server environment limits
> the size of a tuple, attribute and class, but does postgreSQL imposes
> limits itself?)

As pointed out, the default maximum size of a tuple is slightly
less than 8k (but can be increased at compile time).  Think of
a blob as a pointer to storage, so the pointer takes 4 bytes
(or something small like that).  If you want to search inside
the blob for things, you need to do that with the help of
external programs (as far as I can tell so far).


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