Обсуждение: JDBC CallableStatement bug on functions with return parameter


JDBC CallableStatement bug on functions with return parameter

John LH

I believe there is a bug in the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.  I have a
function "sales_tax (in subtotal money) RETURNS money" with DDL below.
I am trying to execute the function with a CallableStatement.  I use the
SQL of :

{ ? = CALL "public"."sales_tax"(?) }

I register the parameters and then execute the statement, but it fails
with the error message :

ERROR: function public.sales_tax(double precision) does not exist

I trace the code down to the
p_sql).  At the end of this function on line 2384-2410 (Pasted below) it
makes a conversion.  It seems that the CallableStatement converts the
original SQL above to :

select * from "public"."sales_tax"(?, ?) as result

If you execute this statement with substituted variable a terminal
window into PG, the statement will fail.  The syntax seems to be
incorrect.  But the SQL will execute correctly if you execute :

select * from "public"."sales_tax"(?) as result

I am not sure what is the correct behavior, but this doesn't seem to be
correct as I can't execute a function with a return value.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or a known limitation? ... or if I am
doing something wrong?


== PROCEDURE DDL ==============================================

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.sales_tax (in subtotal money) RETURNS
money AS
     RETURN subtotal * 0.06;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

== AbstractJdbc2Statement.modifyJdbcCall(String p_sql) ===============
         if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("8.1") &&
((AbstractJdbc2Connection)connection).getProtocolVersion() == 3)
             String s = p_sql.substring(startIndex, endIndex );
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
             if ( outParmBeforeFunc )
                     // move the single out parameter into the function call
                     // so that it can be treated like all other parameters
                     boolean needComma=false;

                     // have to use String.indexOf for java 2
                     int opening = s.indexOf('(')+1;
                     int closing = s.indexOf(')');
                     for ( int j=opening; j< closing;j++ )
                         if ( !Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(j)) )
                             needComma = true;
                     if ( needComma )
                         sb.insert(opening, "?,");
                         sb.insert(opening, "?");

             return "select * from " + sb.toString() + " as result";