Обсуждение: PostgreSQL and MySql


PostgreSQL and MySql

"vijay raghava"

  Hello PostgreSQL users,
        This is a simple one but I couldn't find out the answer.
What is the difference between PostgreSQL and MySql?

  Yours friendly,
  vijaya raghava. 

Re: PostgreSQL and MySql

"David Wall"
>        This is a simple one but I couldn't find out the answer.
> What is the difference between PostgreSQL and MySql?

That's not simple at all.  To me, the biggest difference that MySQL is a
faux open source project.  If you plan to use your db with an application
that you write or have acquired from another vendor, and that application is
not covered by the GPL, then you will need to purchase a license to use it.
Considering MOST uses of databases are with non-GPL applications, this means
that MySQL is no longer a truly OSS.

I have contributed code to both JDBC drivers (Matthew's MySQL driver back
before it was acquired by MySQL, and the PG JDBC driver), and PG remains a
true OSS, so my help remains faithful and open and free.  MySQL's work, on
the other hand, is a true ripoff because the code I wrote for them is now
being sold by PG with their copyright even they didn't write it or pay me to
write it.

Can you tell I'm bitter <smile>?

That said, I switched to PG several years ago when MySQL didn't support
transactions.  They have tacked that on now, and I don't know how it
performs or how reliable it is.  They had some odd characteristics before,
like the first timestamp field would be automatically updated by the engine
as if it was a "last update timestamp."  I never could figure out why
anybody would make the db do this "for you" since it's really not that hard
to add such a timestamp and set it when you update it (i.e. set
last_update_time=now() or similar).  MySQL was quite fast, but I haven't
seen any new benchmarks about how fast it is compared to PG in transaction


Re: PostgreSQL and MySql

Christopher Browne
Quoth vijayaraghava_m@rediffmail.com ("vijay  raghava"):
>          This is a simple one but I couldn't find out the answer.
> What is the difference between PostgreSQL and MySql?

There is not "the difference;" there are numerous differences between

- For instance, MySQL(tm) is a traditionally-licensed proprietary
database that may sometimes be distributed under an "open source"
license.  In contrast, PostgreSQL has always been distributed as free
software; there is not the complexity of multiple licenses.

- MySQL(tm) is the property of a traditional software enterprise, its
development controlled privately by the company that owns it.
PostgreSQL is developed by an independent group of developers
distributed around the globe.

- There are numerous differences in functionality; look at the
respective manuals to see further details of this.

That only points at three aspects to the differences; there are
probably many more.
"As far as Saddam Hussein being a great military strategist, he is
neither a strategist, nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor
is he a tactician, nor is he a general, nor is he as a soldier.  Other
than that, he's a great military man, I want you to know that."
-- General Norman Schwarzkopf, 2/27/91

Re: PostgreSQL and MySql

On 10 Apr 2004, vijay  raghava wrote:

>   Hello PostgreSQL users,
>          This is a simple one but I couldn't find out the answer.
> What is the difference between PostgreSQL and MySql?

MySQL:  Easy to use, quirky SQL engine, sorta kinda free
PostgreSQL:  Industrial strength transactionally solid RDBMS.  Used to run
the .org and .info domains, and MANY >1TB databases around the world.

For some info on MySQL's odd behaviour in certain circumstances, read this
