Обсуждение: Passing date and smallint (etc) parameters to functions from Java


Passing date and smallint (etc) parameters to functions from Java

Sean Elliott

This is how you pass date and smallint parameters to a function via JDBC.

It does work without casting to date if you have a Date object but it is more convenient to use a String.


          public InWOLStatus(String[] argv) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException


                   String          host = argv[0];

                   String          database = argv[1];

                   String          username = argv[2];

                   String          password = argv[3];

                   Timestamp   startTimestamp;


                   // Load the driver



                   // Connect to the db

                   conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://" + host + "/" + database, username, password);


                   // Transactions span multiple statements



                   // Get MetaData to confirm connection

                   dbmd = conn.getMetaData();

                   System.out.println("Connection to " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName() + " " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion() + " successful.\n");


                   // Create a statement that we can use throughout

                    stat = conn.createStatement();


                   // Get current database time - part of primary key needed later

                   startTimestamp = PostgreSQLUtils.getCurrentTimestamp(conn);

                   System.out.println("timestamp is " + startTimestamp);


                   sql = "insert into ifc_feed_instance select " + FeedDefinition.FED_IN_STATUS_CHANGE

                   + ", '" + startTimestamp + "', null, '" + FeedDefinition.ERR_OK + "', null, '" + startTimestamp + "'";



//                 CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call ifc_send_status_change( date(?), int2(?) )}");

                   CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call ifc_send_status_change( cast(? as date), cast(? as smallint) )}");

//                 CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call ifc_send_status_change( ?, int2(?) )}");

                   java.sql.Date date;

                   date = new java.sql.Date(2002 - 1900, 02 - 1, 26);

                   System.out.println("date is " + date);

                   cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);

                   cs.setString(2, "2002-02-26");

//                 cs.setDate(2, date);

                   cs.setInt(3, 1);

                   // 2002-02-26, 1



                   int rowCount = cs.getInt(1);

                   System.out.println("row count is " + rowCount);



                   // Feed complete

                   sql =

                   "update        ifc_feed_instance set end_ts = current_timestamp, update_ts = current_timestamp "

                   +       "where         feed_id = " + FeedDefinition.FED_IN_STATUS_CHANGE

                   +       "and            start_ts = " + startTimestamp;

//                 stat.executeUpdate(sql);


                   // Close database connection





For completeness this is the function:



create or replace function ifc_send_status_change(date, smallint)

returns int as



        a_file_creation_dt alias for $1;

        a_file_sequence_no alias for $2;


        v_now timestamp;

        v_row_count int;



        v_now := ''now'';

        raise notice ''%: in function ifc_send_status_change'', v_now;

        raise notice ''%: a_file_creation_dt %'', v_now, a_file_creation_dt;

        raise notice ''%: a_file_sequence_no %'', v_now, a_file_sequence_no;


        insert into acs_xml_registration


            feed_id,                  start_ts,             record_seq_no,            order_id,

            action_ts,                action_cd,            status_cd,                feed_error_cd,

            feed_error_tx,            title_tx,             forename_tx,              initials_tx,

            surname_or_company_tx,    postcode_cd,          address_name_or_no_tx,    address_street_tx,

            address_town_tx,          address_county_tx,    country_iso_cd,           country_name_tx,

            external_product_cd,      first_pay_dt


        select  2, current_timestamp, record_seq_no, 1,

                change_dt, change_cd, ''X'' as status, ''O'',

                '''' as feed_error_tx, title_tx, forename_tx, initials_tx,

                surname_or_company_tx, postcode_cd, address_line_1_tx, address_line_2_tx,

                address_town_tx, address_county_tx, ''UK'' as country_iso_cd, ''United Kingdom'',

                product_cd, first_pay_dt

        from    hld_in_hlcol1_wol_status

        where   file_creation_dt = a_file_creation_dt

        and     file_seq_no = a_file_sequence_no;


        -- How many rows affected?

        get diagnostics v_row_count := row_count;


        return v_row_count;


' language 'plpgsql';


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