Обсуждение: Data types


Data types

Vicente Alabau Gonzalvo

I'm trying to retireve some data from this table:

create table types (_numeric_ numeric);

(1 row)

usgin jdbc in this way:

If I try to do this query:
    String query = "SELECT * FROM types";
I can get it as BigDecimal and gives me no problems.

But with this other:

    String query = "SELECT * FROM types WHERE _numeric_=? ";
    pStmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
    pStmt.setBigDecimal(1, 10);

and java gives this exception:

    java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator
    '=' for types 'numeric' and 'double precision'

I think it's because jdbc matches BigDecimals with 'double precision'
but I want to match them with 'numeric' instead.

Is there any way to do this match? How can I solve this problem?

Re: Data types

Barry Lind

You either need to upgrade the server to 7.3 (where this has been
fixed), or change your sql to use an explicit cast.

String query = "SELECT * FROM types WHERE _numeric_= cast(? as numeric)";


Vicente Alabau Gonzalvo wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to retireve some data from this table:
> create table types (_numeric_ numeric);
>  _numeric_
> -----------
>         10
> (1 row)
> usgin jdbc in this way:
> If I try to do this query:
>     String query = "SELECT * FROM types";
> I can get it as BigDecimal and gives me no problems.
> But with this other:
>     String query = "SELECT * FROM types WHERE _numeric_=? ";
>     pStmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
>     pStmt.setBigDecimal(1, 10);
> and java gives this exception:
>     java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator
>     '=' for types 'numeric' and 'double precision'
> I think it's because jdbc matches BigDecimals with 'double precision'
> but I want to match them with 'numeric' instead.
> Is there any way to do this match? How can I solve this problem?
> Thanks
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster