Обсуждение: [Fwd: Re: JDBC SSL - looking for test partners]


[Fwd: Re: JDBC SSL - looking for test partners]

Barry Lind

In order for you patch to be considered, I request that you resubmit it
in a context diff format (diff -c) and that the diff be against current
sources from CVS.


Nagy István wrote:
> Hi list,
> here is a small modification of the Connection.java and PG_Stream.java that
> makes the driver able to communicate over SSL, whenever it is allowed (or
> forced) by the back end (and your JVM's settings, of course).
> At this time, it supports the direct connection only.Additional code is
> planned to be written as soon as possible in order to allow the connection
> through a proxy (possible ideas for doing this can be taken from JSSE
> examples and squid docs)
> This software is intended to be used in a production enviroment that is
> rely on open-source softwares. That is why i decided to share this
> modification with this community and ask for your contribution to test - and
> even modify - it, if possible. In exchange, there is no restriction to use,
> modify, ( delete;) )  this code snippet.
> Our enviroment is as follows:
> - JDK SE 1.3.0_02
> - JSSE 1.0.3_01
> - Postgresql 7.1.2 with a database including
> - Mandrake Linux 7.2 with a modified kernel on the basis of the 2.4.14
> - openssl 0.9.5a
> - it is a web application (run by a stand-alone jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1) that
> connects to the postgresql
> - more webapps are served by the same postgresql back end.
> - the tomcat containers and the postgresql are placed on different hosts on
> different networks and they are connected over the internet.
> - there is no proxy in front of the postgresql (yet), we plan to use squid
> when we will understand in details the way it works in.
> I know, this is an old config.Altough this is a production enviroment and
> works well due to the guys who wrote these excellent softwares and we don't
> tamper with it without weighty reason (we are going to replace the openssl
> 0.9.5a
> by a more secure version).
> So, is there anybody interested in?
> Regards
> Istvan Nagy
> nistvan@ecity.agria.hu (private)
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