Обсуждение: Re : Re: secure sql-statments


Re : Re: secure sql-statments

>> what characters do I have to quote, so that the client can't submit
>> evil sql-statments?
>I believe the only characters you need to escape for postgres are '\'
>and ''', but it is easier to rely on the jdbc driver to do it for you
>by using a prepared statement (assuming your using java 2):
>PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement 
>    ("update table_1 set col_1 = ?");
>p.setString(1, postParam_1);

ok - I can do this for a specific update-statement!
but can I do something more general like:
PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement 
"update ? set ? = ? where ? = ?"
and if so - is this still secure!


Re: Re : Re: secure sql-statments

"Shevland, Joseph (AU - Hobart)"
> >> what characters do I have to quote, so that the client can't submit
> >> evil sql-statments?
> >
> >I believe the only characters you need to escape for postgres are '\'
> >and ''', but it is easier to rely on the jdbc driver to do it for you
> >by using a prepared statement (assuming your using java 2):
> >
> >PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement
> >    ("update table_1 set col_1 = ?");
> >p.setString(1, postParam_1);
> ok - I can do this for a specific update-statement!
> but can I do something more general like:
> PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement
> "update ? set ? = ? where ? = ?"
> and if so - is this still secure!

No, you can't use parameters for the table and column names, only the
values. You may be able to use the same underlying code to escape the
table/column names if necessary, but I don't think table and column names
can contain the ' or / characters anyway (just a quicky test with various
create table commands, including quoting the table name). I'd probably strip
anything from the provided table/column names apart from [A-Za-z0-9].


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