Обсуждение: [ANN] Npgsql2 Beta3 Released!! - Correction


[ANN] Npgsql2 Beta3 Released!! - Correction

"Francisco Figueiredo Jr."
Hi, all!!
 The Npgsql Development Team is proud to announce the Npgsql2 Beta3 release!
 Npgsql is a .Net Data provider written 100% in C# which allows .net programs to talk to postgresql backends. Npgsql is
licensedunder BSD. More info can be obtained from http://www.npgsql.org
 This release is one of the better done for Npgsql ever.
 One of the big highlights of it is the great job on scalability done by Jon Hanna. Npgsql, by default, doesn't cache
allthe data read from database before delivering it to clients. Now it is delivered on demand which gives a big benefit
regardingused memory and consequently in scalability as application servers will be able to use the memory which was
beingused by Npgsql in past. You can see some details here:
 Another highlight is the release of a version with support for
Entity Framework beta3.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADO.NET_Entity_Framework and
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa697427(VS.80).aspx)  Thanks
Josh Cooley for this!
This support is available on .net 3.5 and is our first release with
this type of support. Please, give it a try and let us know what you

 You can see full changelog and release notes here: http://pgfoundry.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=1124
 You can dowload it from here: http://downloads.npgsql.org Direct links:

 I'd like to thank God for allowing me to do that.
 I'd like to thank Josh Cooley for all his help. Jon Hanna for his great job adding on demand data fetching, Alaric
Dailey,David Bachmann and Hiroshi Saito for all their feedback and patches and all users who sent bug reports, comments
andfixes. We couldn't make it without your help. Thank you very much!
 Please, give it a try and let us know if you have any problems. Check out our forums: http://forums.npgsql.org


Francisco Figueiredo Jr.