Обсуждение: ANNOUNCE: pgtcl 1.5 stable release


ANNOUNCE: pgtcl 1.5 stable release

Brett Schwarz
This is the first stable release of Pgtcl 1.5, also
known as libpgtcl, a package that adds PostgreSQL
client extensions to the Tcl programming language.
Pgtcl 1.5 has some bug fixes and many new features.
There is also updated documentation and a test suite.

It comes in source form, as well as pre compiled
Windows DLLs.

Pgtcl was tested on WindowsXP, Linux (SuSE 9.1), and
FreeBSD. It was tested against PG databases running
version 7.3, 7.4, and 8.0. Note however, that this
release does not contain any new client features that
were introduced with PG 8.0.

Files can be downloaded from

additional info can be found here:

New features:

o Proper Tcl namespace support, in the ::pg namespace

o Connection and result handles can be used as

o -dict option in pg_result (experimental, since the
Tcl dictionary API could possible change). Requires
Tcl 8.5 or the dict extension

o New -connhandle option to pg_connect. Gives the user
the ability to name the connection handle.

o New -connlist option to pg_connect. Another
alternative to passing the connection parameters,
using a Tcl name/value list.

o New pg_dbinfo command

o New escape commands: pg_escape_string,
pg_escape_bytea, pg_unescape_bytea

o Test suite, which covers common scenarios. Is not
near exhaustive yet. Based on tcltest.

o updated documentation

o Helper procs in the playpen directory


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