Обсуждение: LISTEN and NOTIFY



Kaare Rasmussen

LISTEN and NOTIFY can be used from the more native module PGPerl. But I'd like 
to use DBD::Pg.

Is it possible to use LISTEN and NOTIFY from DBI / DBD::Pg?

Kaare Rasmussen            --Linux, spil,--        Tlf:        3816 2582
Kaki Data                tshirts, merchandize      Fax:        3816 2501
Howitzvej 75               Åben 12.00-18.00        Email: kar@kakidata.dk
2000 Frederiksberg        Lørdag 12.00-16.00       Web:      www.suse.dk

pgaccess.org domain 'stolen' by Register.com

"Iavor Raytchev"
Hi all,

I have to apologise for the downtime of pgaccess.org - the reason is that
based on some strange facts Register.com changed the registration of the
domain replacing all our details with their details and shutting the domain

I have been trying to receive some meaningful answer from them for days -
but all they say is that they protect the owner of the domain (which is me
and Teo), as somebody tried to steal it. It is very interesting how they
protect us by shutting the domain down and replacing all our data with their

The 'stealing' is that I used my new credit card when paying the domain for
another year. Now they want a proof that I am I. Seems they can not check
the credit card and see that it belongs to the same person. Quite a mess
given the fact that I have user name and password for my account there and
the payment was done through these user name and password. If somebody tried
to steal my domain this way - I should be worried about the general security
of Register.com and move all domains we have with them to another register.
And I can't see anything protective in shutting the domain down (more than 7
000 people used to visit pgaccess.org each month) and changing our
legitimate domain data with their own.

We will try to prove that we are we - in the meantime we have moved the
pgaccess wiki to pgaccess.verysmall.org (this might take a while to
propagate). There will be published details what will happen next.

If you have any dealings with Register.com - have all that in mind. We are
personally thinking of moving to OpenSRS for now. It is much cheaper and has
an interface for companies that operate less than 150 domains.



Jonathan Gardner
On Monday 02 June 2003 01:01, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:
> Hi
> LISTEN and NOTIFY can be used from the more native module PGPerl. But I'd
> like to use DBD::Pg.
> Is it possible to use LISTEN and NOTIFY from DBI / DBD::Pg?

There appears to be a func 'pg_notifies'. Look under the "func" method in 
DBD::Pg's database handles.

Jonathan Gardner <jgardner@jonathangardner.net>
(was jgardn@alumni.washington.edu)
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