Обсуждение: Problem seeing list of available tables in pgaccess


Problem seeing list of available tables in pgaccess

"Denis Grannell"

I wonder if anyone can help with the following:

I have a postgres 7.3.2 installation on Solaris9 
which I want to access from Windows PCs using pgaccess
The windows version is Windows2000 Professional/SP3.
The TclTk version on the PCs is V8.3 with cygwin.
Pgaccess runs up without errors, but I'm not able to 
see any tables in the databases.
I can see Queries, Views, Reports, Usergroups etc.
If I select a query or a view and run it, it all works 
fine. I can also create new queries and views, save them, 
run them and they work perfectly, but if I select 
"Tables" in the explorer pane nothing happens. No list 
of tables, no error on the PC, no error in the postmaster 
logfile, nothing.
If I access the Postgres server using the psql command 
line tool from the PCs, then I can list and access the 
tables without any problems whatsoever. I can also start 
pgaccess directly on the Solaris machine and everything 
works as you would expect, including listing the tables.
Very mysterious! Anyone have any tips about how to 
troubleshoot something like this?

Denis Grannell
| Denis Grannell, Kapuzinerstr. 45, 80469 Munich, Germany |
| Tel: +49 89 2013672                 Fax: +49 89 2022875 |

Re: Problem seeing list of available tables in pgaccess

"C. Maj"
Hi Denis--

I'm cross-posting this to the pgaccess-users list, available for
subscription at:

We don't have too many cygwin reports, so it's possible that could be
the problem.  If you can try it with the ActiveState Tcl/Tk package,
instead of that provided by cygwin, that might be a start.  Also, double
check that you grabbed the right libpgtcl.dll for the version you have.

It's also possible this is working in current CVS, available off the
wiki page above, or you could try a starkit of PgAccess that relies on a
pure Tcl-PostgreSQL interface layer at:

Very strange that the other PG object types, like Views, would display
properly.  Most likely it's a SCHEMA issue, and we have been trying to
fix those as we continue to decide how it needs to be done.

If all that fails, we have a bugzilla system at:

PgAccess Developer

On Sun, 6 Apr 2003, Denis Grannell waxed:

> Hi,
> I wonder if anyone can help with the following:
> I have a postgres 7.3.2 installation on Solaris9
> which I want to access from Windows PCs using pgaccess
> version
> The windows version is Windows2000 Professional/SP3.
> The TclTk version on the PCs is V8.3 with cygwin.
> Pgaccess runs up without errors, but I'm not able to
> see any tables in the databases.
> I can see Queries, Views, Reports, Usergroups etc.
> If I select a query or a view and run it, it all works
> fine. I can also create new queries and views, save them,
> run them and they work perfectly, but if I select
> "Tables" in the explorer pane nothing happens. No list
> of tables, no error on the PC, no error in the postmaster
> logfile, nothing.
> If I access the Postgres server using the psql command
> line tool from the PCs, then I can list and access the
> tables without any problems whatsoever. I can also start
> pgaccess directly on the Solaris machine and everything
> works as you would expect, including listing the tables.
> Very mysterious! Anyone have any tips about how to
> troubleshoot something like this?
> thanks,
> Denis Grannell
>  _________________________________________________________
> | Denis Grannell, Kapuzinerstr. 45, 80469 Munich, Germany |
> | Tel: +49 89 2013672                 Fax: +49 89 2022875 |
> |_________________________________________________________|
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly


Chris Maj <cmaj_hat_freedomcorpse_hot_info>
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