Обсуждение: Wish to build a LabVIEW-Interface (= graphical programming language)


Wish to build a LabVIEW-Interface (= graphical programming language)

"Jan Klostermann"
Hello guys and gals,

First of all: Is there already a LabVIEW-Interface to PostgreSQL
available? If yes, were?

Otherwise, I would like to build one. For those who don't know LabVIEW:
Its a graphical programming language, available on different plattforms,
and it is able to connect to shared libraries (e.g. DLLs under Windows).
Out of this rises my idea: interface from LabVIEW to one of the
programming interface libraries.

As I find pure ODBC far too complicated to program for my purposes I had
to look for a simpler interface, even if not so portable. As I looked
through the native PostgreSQL-Interfaces I found the libpgeasy very
appealing, but maybe a bit to simple, as e.g. no transactions are
supported (at least not obviously). The EmbeddedSQL-Interface looks much
more powerful while still simple enough - a decent set of functions for
everything I need (so far...). The fully featured libpg looks terrible
difficult, far too many functions! :-(     Therefore I would like to
stick with one of the first, simple ones. 

Which one would you recommend? Why?

Unfortunately both interfaces are very briefly documented, at least for
my purposes; the libpgeasy is almost not documented at all. 

What I would need is a precise documentation of the function calls of
these libraries, what you have to enter into the different parameters to
get which results. With embeddedSQL I would have to play the role of the
preprocessor and let the LabVIEW programmer put in his SQL-statements
(EXEC SQL function ...) and convert it into a library function call for
the specific function with its fixed set of parameters.

Is there something like this available? Can somebody help me to find out
the best way to implement this LabVIEW-PostgreSQL- interface? (I know
about the LabVIEW part, my problem is basically about how to access
these simpler library interfaces - I don't want to redo all their
internal work!!! There ought to be a simpler way... )

Thanks a lot in advance.

Jan Klostermann

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