Обсуждение: ODBC Problems


ODBC Problems

"Stavros Karposilos"
    I am using psqlODBC v7.2.1 to connect a Redhat 7.2 Server running PostgreSQL v7.1.3 to a Win2K client running MS Access 2K.
    I have created an application which works fine for some time, but after that I get error messages which prevent me from opening and closing forms.
    Once, I got the message "Could not send query to the backend" right before the same situation with the forms started.
    I suspect that the driver closes the connection to the backend without informing the frontend, making the second do all weird things.
    I have tried some workarounds. I used a timer to refresh the table links every 1 min, but the command --CurrentDB.TableDefs("ItemsMain").Fields.Refresh-- didn't help on solving the problem and the command --CurrentDB.TableDefs("ItemsMain").RefreshLink-- seems to work, but every time it is executed it adds 350Kbytes to the Frontend Database file. After 10min the file has become 3MB, which are empty.
    Is it possible to change some settings on the driver so that the connection never closes, or to automatically reestablish the connection to the backend when closed?
    This small detail is the difference between a fully working program and a useless bunch of code. I would really appreciate any help.
    If this behaviour cannot change, do you have any recommendation on using another GUI frontend capable of running on Windows Boxes featuring tighter integration with PostgreSQL?
  Thank you in advance,
  Stavros Karposilos