Обсуждение: Informix to PostgreSQL (JDBC)


Informix to PostgreSQL (JDBC)

"Nicolas Bazin"
Just to let you know that you can use the transfer tool of the hsqldb JAVA database to transfer database from Informix to Postgres. I have used it  to transfer my application from IDS 7.3 to Postgres 7.2.1. Because it relies on JDBC, it can be used/expended to support other databases.
It supports:
- tables structure creation,
- default field value,
- index creation (unique or not),
- data transfer,
- foreign keys creation,
- it supports schema (to read the source)
- autoincrement fields
As it's  based on JDBC, it cannot extract VIEWs or store procedures. User privilege are not created even though it is available from the JDBC.
A further extension would then be:
support of GRANT and also the possibility to transfer to a specific schema.
The transfer tool is independent of the database. It's in the src/org/hsqldb/util directory you also need the src/org/hsqldb/lib directory.