Обсуждение: problem with libpq++


problem with libpq++

Hello list,

i have a problem with libpq and variable in select.

please have a look my sourcecode :
/** testlibpq1.cc*      Test the C++ version of LIBPQ, the POSTGRES frontend library.**  queries the template1 database
fora list of database names**/

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

typedef struct _user_data {   /* first two items must be same as hash_link */   char *user;   struct _user_data *next;
char *passwd;
int main()
{ // Begin, by establishing a connection to the backend. // When no parameters are given then the system will // try to
usereasonable defaults by looking up environment variables // or, failing that, using hardwired constants const char*
dbName= "dbname=testdb"; PgDatabase data(dbName);
 // check to see that the backend connection was successfully made if ( data.ConnectionBad() ) {     cerr <<
"Connectionto database '" << dbName << "' failed." << endl          << "Error returned: " << data.ErrorMessage() <<
endl;    exit(1);
char *user, *passwd, *p;
char buf[256];  while (fgets(buf, 256, stdin) != NULL) {       if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL)           *p =
'\0';         /* strip \n */
       if ((user = strtok(buf, " ")) == NULL) {               printf("ERR\n");               continue;}       if
((passwd= strtok(NULL, "")) == NULL) {               printf("ERR\n");              
/************************************************************************************/ // fetch instances from the
pg_database,the system catalog of databases if ( !data.ExecTuplesOk("select * from test where name={user} and
password={passwd}") ) {   cerr << "Error" << endl;   exit(1); }
cout << "if" << user << "and"<< endl;
cout << user  << " ww " << passwd <<endl; // first, print out the attribute names int nFields = data.Fields(); if
(data.Tuples()== 1) {   cout << data.Tuples() << endl;}  else {cout << "Err" <<endl;} // next, print out the instances


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