Обсуждение: my modifications to psqlodbc.dll


my modifications to psqlodbc.dll

Wojciech Kromer
My boss Jacek Kijewski (mailto:jacek@softomat.com.pl) asked me to send my psqlodbc.dll
modification to code maintainers. I hope this group is the best way to do it.

 -writing blobs (of type 'lo' in psql) via BDE applications, on psql 6.5.x, rasies exception
 -(AFAIR) specification of psql needs to enclose lo_write in transcation
 -I've modified copy_statment_with_paramaters in convert.c, where lo_write is used,
   I've added CC_send_query(..,"BEGIN"..) CC_send_query(...,"END",..)

 -I need to store miliseconds in psql database via Delphi componnents
  (using ODBC + BDE + Delphi TTable object)
 -I've modified convert.c and convert.h
  I've aded miliseconds in SIMPLE_TIME struct, and made some modifications
  in converting funcfions,
 This works only with datetime time on psql (which is recognized by BDE as TIMESTAMP)

 Modifications are made on 6.4.0006 version,
 This solutions works with my configuration, and my client applications,
 another clients may need more modifications in psqlodbc.dll code.
 Maby tehere is a need to add "version 6.5 syntax " in configuration.
 If you have any suggestions please send them also directly to me (mailto:krom@softomat.com.pl),
 I'm not reading pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org very offen.

W mojej nowej, lepszej sygnaturce nie ma nic o piwie.
Wojciech Kromer mailto:krom@softomat.com.pl

/* Module:         convert.c
 * Description:       This module contains routines related to
 *                 converting parameters and columns into requested data types.
 *                 Parameters are converted from their SQL_C data types into
 *                 the appropriate postgres type.  Columns are converted from
 *                 their postgres type (SQL type) into the appropriate SQL_C
 *                 data type.
 * Classes:        n/a
 * API functions:  none
 * Comments:       See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information.
 * modifications marked as //by k@m

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "psqlodbc.h"

#ifndef WIN32
#include "iodbc.h"
#include "isql.h"
#include "isqlext.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>

#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "convert.h"
#include "statement.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "pgtypes.h"
#include "lobj.h"
#include "connection.h"

#ifndef WIN32
#define stricmp(s1,s2) strcasecmp(s1,s2)
#define strnicmp(s1,s2,n) strncasecmp(s1,s2,n)
#ifndef SCHAR
typedef signed char SCHAR;

extern GLOBAL_VALUES globals;

/*    How to map ODBC scalar functions {fn func(args)} to Postgres */
/*    This is just a simple substitution */
char *mapFuncs[][2] = {
    { "CONCAT",      "textcat" },
    { "LCASE",       "lower"   },
    { "LOCATE",      "strpos"  },
    { "LENGTH",      "textlen" },
    { "LTRIM",       "ltrim"   },
    { "RTRIM",       "rtrim"   },
    { "SUBSTRING",   "substr"  },
    { "UCASE",       "upper"   },
    { "NOW",         "now"     },
    {    0,             0      }

char *mapFunction(char *func);
unsigned int conv_from_octal(unsigned char *s);
unsigned int conv_from_hex(unsigned char *s);
char *conv_to_octal(unsigned char val);

/********        A Guide for date/time/timestamp conversions    **************

            field_type        fCType                Output
            ----------        ------                ----------
            PG_TYPE_DATE    SQL_C_DEFAULT        SQL_C_DATE
            PG_TYPE_DATE    SQL_C_DATE            SQL_C_DATE
            PG_TYPE_DATE    SQL_C_TIMESTAMP        SQL_C_TIMESTAMP        (time = 0 (midnight))
            PG_TYPE_TIME    SQL_C_DEFAULT        SQL_C_TIME
            PG_TYPE_TIME    SQL_C_TIME            SQL_C_TIME
            PG_TYPE_TIME    SQL_C_TIMESTAMP        SQL_C_TIMESTAMP        (date = current date)
            PG_TYPE_ABSTIME    SQL_C_DATE            SQL_C_DATE            (time is truncated)
            PG_TYPE_ABSTIME    SQL_C_TIME            SQL_C_TIME            (date is truncated)

/*    This is called by SQLFetch() */
copy_and_convert_field_bindinfo(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 field_type, void *value, int col)
BindInfoClass *bic = &(stmt->bindings[col]);

    return copy_and_convert_field(stmt, field_type, value, (Int2)bic->returntype, (PTR)bic->buffer,
                                (SDWORD)bic->buflen, (SDWORD *)bic->used);

/*    This is called by SQLGetData() */
copy_and_convert_field(StatementClass *stmt, Int4 field_type, void *value, Int2 fCType,
                       PTR rgbValue, SDWORD cbValueMax, SDWORD *pcbValue)
Int4 len = 0, copy_len = 0;
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *tim;
int pcbValueOffset, rgbValueOffset;
char *rgbValueBindRow, *ptr;
int bind_row = stmt->bind_row;
int bind_size = stmt->options.bind_size;
int result = COPY_OK;
char tempBuf[TEXT_FIELD_SIZE+5];

/*    rgbValueOffset is *ONLY* for character and binary data */
/*    pcbValueOffset is for computing any pcbValue location */

    if (bind_size > 0) {

        pcbValueOffset = rgbValueOffset = (bind_size * bind_row);
    else {

        pcbValueOffset = bind_row * sizeof(SDWORD);
        rgbValueOffset = bind_row * cbValueMax;


    memset(&st, 0, sizeof(SIMPLE_TIME));

    /*    Initialize current date */
    tim = localtime(&t);
    st.m = tim->tm_mon + 1;
    st.d = tim->tm_mday;
    st.y = tim->tm_year + 1900;

    mylog("copy_and_convert: field_type = %d, fctype = %d, value = '%s', cbValueMax=%d\n", field_type, fCType,

    if ( ! value) {
        /* handle a null just by returning SQL_NULL_DATA in pcbValue, */
        /* and doing nothing to the buffer.                           */
        if(pcbValue) {
            *(SDWORD *) ((char *) pcbValue + pcbValueOffset) = SQL_NULL_DATA;
        return COPY_OK;

    if (stmt->hdbc->DataSourceToDriver != NULL) {
        int length = strlen (value);
        stmt->hdbc->DataSourceToDriver (stmt->hdbc->translation_option,
                                        value, length,
                                        value, length, NULL,
                                        NULL, 0, NULL);

        First convert any specific postgres types into more
        useable data.

        NOTE: Conversions from PG char/varchar of a date/time/timestamp
        value to SQL_C_DATE,SQL_C_TIME, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP not supported
    switch(field_type) {
    /*  $$$ need to add parsing for date/time/timestamp strings in PG_TYPE_CHAR,VARCHAR $$$ */
    case PG_TYPE_DATE:
        sscanf(value, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &st.y, &st.m, &st.d);

    case PG_TYPE_TIME:
                sscanf(value, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &st.hh, &st.mm, &st.ss);

        if (strnicmp(value, "invalid", 7) != 0) {
                        //by k@m
            sscanf(value, "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d.%d", &st.y, &st.m, &st.d, &st.hh, &st.mm, &st.ss, &st.sss);

        } else {    /* The timestamp is invalid so set something conspicuous, like the epoch */
            t = 0;
            tim = localtime(&t);
            st.m = tim->tm_mon + 1;
            st.d = tim->tm_mday;
            st.y = tim->tm_year + 1900;
            st.hh = tim->tm_hour;
            st.mm = tim->tm_min;
            st.ss = tim->tm_sec;
                        st.sss = 0;

    case PG_TYPE_BOOL: {        /* change T/F to 1/0 */
        char *s = (char *) value;
        if (s[0] == 'T' || s[0] == 't')
            s[0] = '1';
            s[0] = '0';

    /* This is for internal use by SQLStatistics() */
    case PG_TYPE_INT28: {
        // this is an array of eight integers
        short *short_array = (short *) ( (char *) rgbValue + rgbValueOffset);

        len = 16;

        sscanf(value, "%hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd",

        /*  There is no corresponding fCType for this. */
            *(SDWORD *) ((char *) pcbValue + pcbValueOffset) = len;

        return COPY_OK;        /* dont go any further or the data will be trashed */

    /* This is a large object OID, which is used to store LONGVARBINARY objects. */
    case PG_TYPE_LO:

        return convert_lo( stmt, value, fCType, ((char *) rgbValue + rgbValueOffset), cbValueMax, (SDWORD *) ((char *)
pcbValue+ pcbValueOffset)); 


        if (field_type == stmt->hdbc->lobj_type)    /* hack until permanent type available */
            return convert_lo( stmt, value, fCType, ((char *) rgbValue + rgbValueOffset), cbValueMax, (SDWORD *) ((char
*)pcbValue + pcbValueOffset)); 

    /*  Change default into something useable */
    if (fCType == SQL_C_DEFAULT) {
        fCType = pgtype_to_ctype(stmt, field_type);

        mylog("copy_and_convert, SQL_C_DEFAULT: fCType = %d\n", fCType);

    rgbValueBindRow = (char *) rgbValue + rgbValueOffset;

    if(fCType == SQL_C_CHAR) {

        /*    Special character formatting as required */
        /*    These really should return error if cbValueMax is not big enough. */
        switch(field_type) {
        case PG_TYPE_DATE:
            len = 10;
            if (cbValueMax > len)
                sprintf(rgbValueBindRow, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d", st.y, st.m, st.d);

        case PG_TYPE_TIME:
            len = 8;
            if (cbValueMax > len)
                         sprintf(rgbValueBindRow, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", st.hh, st.mm, st.ss);

        case PG_TYPE_ABSTIME:
        case PG_TYPE_DATETIME:
        case PG_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
            len = 19;
                        //by k@m
            if (cbValueMax > len)
                sprintf(rgbValueBindRow, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
                    st.y, st.m, st.d, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss);
                            else sprintf(rgbValueBindRow, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%d",
                    st.y, st.m, st.d, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss,st.sss);

        case PG_TYPE_BOOL:
            len = 1;
            if (cbValueMax > len) {
                strcpy(rgbValueBindRow, value);
                mylog("PG_TYPE_BOOL: rgbValueBindRow = '%s'\n", rgbValueBindRow);

        /*    Currently, data is SILENTLY TRUNCATED for BYTEA and character data
            types if there is not enough room in cbValueMax because the driver
            can't handle multiple calls to SQLGetData for these, yet.  Most likely,
            the buffer passed in will be big enough to handle the maximum limit of
            postgres, anyway.

            LongVarBinary types are handled correctly above, observing truncation
            and all that stuff since there is essentially no limit on the large
            object used to store those.
        case PG_TYPE_BYTEA:        // convert binary data to hex strings (i.e, 255 = "FF")
            len = convert_pgbinary_to_char(value, rgbValueBindRow, cbValueMax);

            /***** THIS IS NOT PROPERLY IMPLEMENTED *****/

            /*    convert linefeeds to carriage-return/linefeed */
            len = convert_linefeeds(value, tempBuf, sizeof(tempBuf));
            ptr = tempBuf;

            mylog("DEFAULT: len = %d, ptr = '%s'\n", len, ptr);

            if (stmt->current_col >= 0) {
                if (stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left == 0)
                    return COPY_NO_DATA_FOUND;
                else if (stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left > 0) {
                    ptr += len - stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left;
                    len = stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left;
                    stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left = strlen(ptr);

            if (cbValueMax > 0) {

                copy_len = (len >= cbValueMax) ? cbValueMax -1 : len;

                /*    Copy the data */
                strncpy_null(rgbValueBindRow, ptr, copy_len + 1);

                                /*      Adjust data_left for next time */
                if (stmt->current_col >= 0) {
                    stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left -= copy_len;

            /*    Finally, check for truncation so that proper status can be returned */
            if ( len >= cbValueMax)
                result = COPY_RESULT_TRUNCATED;

            mylog("    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = %d, cbValueMax = %d, rgbValueBindRow = '%s'\n", len, cbValueMax,

    } else {

        /*    for SQL_C_CHAR, its probably ok to leave currency symbols in.  But
            to convert to numeric types, it is necessary to get rid of those.
        if (field_type == PG_TYPE_MONEY)

        switch(fCType) {
        case SQL_C_DATE:
            len = 6;
            DATE_STRUCT *ds;

            if (bind_size > 0) {
                ds = (DATE_STRUCT *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size));
            } else {
                ds = (DATE_STRUCT *) rgbValue + bind_row;
            ds->year = st.y;
            ds->month = st.m;
            ds->day = st.d;

        case SQL_C_TIME:
            len = 6;
            TIME_STRUCT *ts;

            if (bind_size > 0) {
                ts = (TIME_STRUCT *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size));
            } else {
                ts = (TIME_STRUCT *) rgbValue + bind_row;
            ts->hour = st.hh;
            ts->minute = st.mm;
            ts->second = st.ss;

        case SQL_C_TIMESTAMP:
            len = 16;
            TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *ts;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                ts = (TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size));
            } else {
                ts = (TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *) rgbValue + bind_row;
            ts->year = st.y;
            ts->month = st.m;
            ts->day = st.d;
            ts->hour = st.hh;
            ts->minute = st.mm;
            ts->second = st.ss;
            ts->fraction = st.sss;//by k@m

        case SQL_C_BIT:
            len = 1;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(UCHAR *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atoi(value);
            } else {
                *((UCHAR *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atoi(value);
            // mylog("SQL_C_BIT: val = %d, cb = %d, rgb=%d\n", atoi(value), cbValueMax, *((UCHAR *)rgbValue));

        case SQL_C_STINYINT:
        case SQL_C_TINYINT:
            len = 1;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(SCHAR *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atoi(value);
            } else {
                *((SCHAR *) rgbValue + bind_row) = atoi(value);

        case SQL_C_UTINYINT:
            len = 1;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(UCHAR *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atoi(value);
            } else {
                *((UCHAR *) rgbValue + bind_row) = atoi(value);

        case SQL_C_FLOAT:
            len = 4;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(SFLOAT *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = (float) atof(value);
            } else {
                *((SFLOAT *)rgbValue + bind_row) = (float) atof(value);

        case SQL_C_DOUBLE:
            len = 8;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(SDOUBLE *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atof(value);
            } else {
                *((SDOUBLE *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atof(value);

        case SQL_C_SSHORT:
        case SQL_C_SHORT:
            len = 2;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(SWORD *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atoi(value);
            } else {
                *((SWORD *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atoi(value);

        case SQL_C_USHORT:
            len = 2;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(UWORD *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atoi(value);
            } else {
                *((UWORD *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atoi(value);

        case SQL_C_SLONG:
        case SQL_C_LONG:
            len = 4;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(SDWORD *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atol(value);
            } else {
                *((SDWORD *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atol(value);

        case SQL_C_ULONG:
            len = 4;
            if (bind_size > 0) {
                *(UDWORD *) ((char *) rgbValue + (bind_row * bind_size)) = atol(value);
            } else {
                *((UDWORD *)rgbValue + bind_row) = atol(value);

        case SQL_C_BINARY:

            //    truncate if necessary
            //    convert octal escapes to bytes

            len = convert_from_pgbinary(value, tempBuf, sizeof(tempBuf));
            ptr = tempBuf;

            if (stmt->current_col >= 0) {

                /*    No more data left for this column */
                if (stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left == 0)
                    return COPY_NO_DATA_FOUND;

                /*    Second (or more) call to SQLGetData so move the pointer */
                else if (stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left > 0) {
                    ptr += len - stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left;
                    len = stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left;

                /*    First call to SQLGetData so initialize data_left */
                    stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left = len;


            if (cbValueMax > 0) {
                copy_len = (len > cbValueMax) ? cbValueMax : len;

                /*    Copy the data */
                memcpy(rgbValueBindRow, ptr, copy_len);

                /*    Adjust data_left for next time */
                if (stmt->current_col >= 0) {
                    stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col].data_left -= copy_len;

            /*    Finally, check for truncation so that proper status can be returned */
            if ( len > cbValueMax)
                result = COPY_RESULT_TRUNCATED;

            mylog("SQL_C_BINARY: len = %d, copy_len = %d\n", len, copy_len);

            return COPY_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;

    // store the length of what was copied, if there's a place for it
    if(pcbValue) {
        *(SDWORD *) ((char *)pcbValue + pcbValueOffset) = len;

    return result;


/*    This function inserts parameters into an SQL statements.
    It will also modify a SELECT statement for use with declare/fetch cursors.
    This function no longer does any dynamic memory allocation!
copy_statement_with_parameters(StatementClass *stmt)
static char *func="copy_statement_with_parameters";
unsigned int opos, npos;
char param_string[128], tmp[256], cbuf[TEXT_FIELD_SIZE+5];
int param_number;
Int2 param_ctype, param_sqltype;
char *old_statement = stmt->statement;
char *new_statement = stmt->stmt_with_params;
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *tim;
SDWORD used;
char *buffer, *buf;
char in_quote = FALSE;
Oid  lobj_oid;
int lobj_fd, retval;

    if ( ! old_statement) {
        SC_log_error(func, "No statement string", stmt);
        return SQL_ERROR;

    memset(&st, 0, sizeof(SIMPLE_TIME));

    /*    Initialize current date */
    tim = localtime(&t);
    st.m = tim->tm_mon + 1;
    st.d = tim->tm_mday;
    st.y = tim->tm_year + 1900;

    /*    If the application hasn't set a cursor name, then generate one */
    if ( stmt->cursor_name[0] == '\0')
        sprintf(stmt->cursor_name, "SQL_CUR%p", stmt);

    //    For selects, prepend a declare cursor to the statement
    if (stmt->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_SELECT && globals.use_declarefetch) {
        sprintf(new_statement, "declare %s cursor for ", stmt->cursor_name);
        npos = strlen(new_statement);
    else {
        new_statement[0] = '0';
        npos = 0;

    param_number = -1;

    for (opos = 0; opos < strlen(old_statement); opos++) {

        //    Squeeze carriage-returns/linfeed pairs to linefeed only
        if (old_statement[opos] == '\r' && opos+1<strlen(old_statement) && old_statement[opos+1] == '\n') {

        //    Handle literals (date, time, timestamp)
        else if (old_statement[opos] == '{') {
            char *esc;
            char *begin = &old_statement[opos + 1];
            char *end = strchr(begin, '}');

            if ( ! end)

            *end = '\0';

            esc = convert_escape(begin);
            if (esc) {
                memcpy(&new_statement[npos], esc, strlen(esc));
                npos += strlen(esc);
            else {        /* its not a valid literal so just copy */
                *end = '}';
                new_statement[npos++] = old_statement[opos];

            opos += end - begin + 1;

            *end = '}';


        /*    Can you have parameter markers inside of quotes?  I dont think so.
            All the queries I've seen expect the driver to put quotes if needed.
        else if (old_statement[opos] == '?' && !in_quote)
            ;    /* ok */
        else {
            if (old_statement[opos] == '\'')
                in_quote = (in_quote ? FALSE : TRUE);

            new_statement[npos++] = old_statement[opos];

        /*       Its a '?' parameter alright                */


        if (param_number >= stmt->parameters_allocated)

        /*    Assign correct buffers based on data at exec param or not */
        if ( stmt->parameters[param_number].data_at_exec) {
            used = stmt->parameters[param_number].EXEC_used ? *stmt->parameters[param_number].EXEC_used : SQL_NTS;
            buffer = stmt->parameters[param_number].EXEC_buffer;
        else {
            used = stmt->parameters[param_number].used ? *stmt->parameters[param_number].used : SQL_NTS;
            buffer = stmt->parameters[param_number].buffer;

        /*    Handle NULL parameter data */
        if (used == SQL_NULL_DATA) {
            strcpy(&new_statement[npos], "NULL");
            npos += 4;

        /*    If no buffer, and its not null, then what the hell is it?
            Just leave it alone then.
        if ( ! buffer) {
            new_statement[npos++] = '?';

        param_ctype = stmt->parameters[param_number].CType;
        param_sqltype = stmt->parameters[param_number].SQLType;

        mylog("copy_statement_with_params: from(fcType)=%d, to(fSqlType)=%d\n", param_ctype, param_sqltype);

        // replace DEFAULT with something we can use
        if(param_ctype == SQL_C_DEFAULT)
            param_ctype = sqltype_to_default_ctype(param_sqltype);

        buf = NULL;
        param_string[0] = '\0';
        cbuf[0] = '\0';

        /*    Convert input C type to a neutral format */
        switch(param_ctype) {
        case SQL_C_BINARY:
        case SQL_C_CHAR:
            buf = buffer;

        case SQL_C_DOUBLE:
            sprintf(param_string, "%f",
                 *((SDOUBLE *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_FLOAT:
            sprintf(param_string, "%f",
                 *((SFLOAT *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_SLONG:
        case SQL_C_LONG:
            sprintf(param_string, "%ld",
                *((SDWORD *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_SSHORT:
        case SQL_C_SHORT:
            sprintf(param_string, "%d",
                *((SWORD *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_STINYINT:
        case SQL_C_TINYINT:
            sprintf(param_string, "%d",
                *((SCHAR *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_ULONG:
            sprintf(param_string, "%lu",
                *((UDWORD *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_USHORT:
            sprintf(param_string, "%u",
                *((UWORD *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_UTINYINT:
            sprintf(param_string, "%u",
                *((UCHAR *) buffer));

        case SQL_C_BIT: {
            int i = *((UCHAR *) buffer);

            sprintf(param_string, "%d", i ? 1 : 0);

        case SQL_C_DATE: {
            DATE_STRUCT *ds = (DATE_STRUCT *) buffer;
            st.m = ds->month;
            st.d = ds->day;
            st.y = ds->year;


        case SQL_C_TIME: {
            TIME_STRUCT *ts = (TIME_STRUCT *) buffer;
            st.hh = ts->hour;
            st.mm = ts->minute;
            st.ss = ts->second;


        case SQL_C_TIMESTAMP: {
            TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *tss = (TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *) buffer;
            st.m = tss->month;
            st.d = tss->day;
            st.y = tss->year;
            st.hh = tss->hour;
            st.mm = tss->minute;
            st.ss = tss->second;
                        st.sss = tss->fraction;//by k@m
            mylog("m=%d,d=%d,y=%d,hh=%d,mm=%d,ss=%d sss=%d\n", st.m, st.d, st.y, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss,st.sss);


            // error
            stmt->errormsg = "Unrecognized C_parameter type in copy_statement_with_parameters";
            stmt->errornumber = STMT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR;
            new_statement[npos] = '\0';   // just in case
            SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
            return SQL_ERROR;

        /*    Now that the input data is in a neutral format, convert it to
            the desired output format (sqltype)

        switch(param_sqltype) {
        case SQL_CHAR:
        case SQL_VARCHAR:
        case SQL_LONGVARCHAR:

            new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Open Quote */

            /* it was a SQL_C_CHAR */
            if (buf) {
                convert_special_chars(buf, &new_statement[npos], used);
                npos += strlen(&new_statement[npos]);

            /* it was a numeric type */
            else if (param_string[0] != '\0') {
                strcpy(&new_statement[npos], param_string);
                npos += strlen(param_string);

            /* it was date,time,timestamp -- use m,d,y,hh,mm,ss */
            else {
                sprintf(tmp, "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
                    st.y, st.m, st.d, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss);

                strcpy(&new_statement[npos], tmp);
                npos += strlen(tmp);

            new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Close Quote */


        case SQL_DATE:
            if (buf) {  /* copy char data to time */
                my_strcpy(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), buf, used);
                parse_datetime(cbuf, &st);

            sprintf(tmp, "'%.4d-%.2d-%.2d'", st.y, st.m, st.d);

            strcpy(&new_statement[npos], tmp);
            npos += strlen(tmp);

        case SQL_TIME:
            if (buf) {  /* copy char data to time */
                my_strcpy(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), buf, used);
                parse_datetime(cbuf, &st);

            sprintf(tmp, "'%.2d:%.2d:%.2d'", st.hh, st.mm, st.ss);

            strcpy(&new_statement[npos], tmp);
            npos += strlen(tmp);

        case SQL_TIMESTAMP:

            if (buf) {
                my_strcpy(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), buf, used);
                parse_datetime(cbuf, &st);

                        //by k@m
            sprintf(tmp, "'%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d'",
                st.y, st.m, st.d, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss);
            sprintf(tmp, "'%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%d'",
                st.y, st.m, st.d, st.hh, st.mm, st.ss,st.sss);

            strcpy(&new_statement[npos], tmp);
            npos += strlen(tmp);


        case SQL_BINARY:
        case SQL_VARBINARY:            /* non-ascii characters should be converted to octal */
            new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Open Quote */

            mylog("SQL_VARBINARY: about to call convert_to_pgbinary, used = %d\n", used);

            npos += convert_to_pgbinary(buf, &new_statement[npos], used);

            new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Close Quote */



            if ( stmt->parameters[param_number].data_at_exec) {

                lobj_oid = stmt->parameters[param_number].lobj_oid;

            else {

                /*    store the oid */
                lobj_oid = lo_creat(stmt->hdbc, INV_READ | INV_WRITE);
                if (lobj_oid == 0) {
                    stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR;
                    stmt->errormsg = "Couldnt create (in-line) large object.";
                    SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
                    return SQL_ERROR;

                /*    store the fd */
CC_send_query(stmt->hdbc,"BEGIN",NULL);//by k@m
                lobj_fd = lo_open(stmt->hdbc, lobj_oid, INV_WRITE);
                if ( lobj_fd < 0) {
                    stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR;
                    stmt->errormsg = "Couldnt open (in-line) large object for writing.";
                    SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
                    return SQL_ERROR;

                retval = lo_write(stmt->hdbc, lobj_fd, buffer, used);
                lo_close(stmt->hdbc, lobj_fd);
CC_send_query(stmt->hdbc,"END",NULL);//by k@m

            /*    the oid of the large object -- just put that in for the
                parameter marker -- the data has already been sent to the large object
            sprintf(param_string, "'%d'", lobj_oid);
            strcpy(&new_statement[npos], param_string);
            npos += strlen(param_string);


        //    because of no conversion operator for bool and int4, SQL_BIT
        //    must be quoted (0 or 1 is ok to use inside the quotes)

        default:        /* a numeric type or SQL_BIT */
            if (param_sqltype == SQL_BIT)
                new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Open Quote */

            if (buf) {
                my_strcpy(&new_statement[npos], sizeof(stmt->stmt_with_params) - npos, buf, used);
                npos += strlen(&new_statement[npos]);
            else {
                strcpy(&new_statement[npos], param_string);
                npos += strlen(param_string);

            if (param_sqltype == SQL_BIT)
                new_statement[npos++] = '\'';    /*    Close Quote */



    }    /* end, for */

    // make sure new_statement is always null-terminated
    new_statement[npos] = '\0';

    if(stmt->hdbc->DriverToDataSource != NULL) {
        int length = strlen (new_statement);
        stmt->hdbc->DriverToDataSource (stmt->hdbc->translation_option,
                                        new_statement, length,
                                        new_statement, length, NULL,
                                        NULL, 0, NULL);

    return SQL_SUCCESS;

char *
mapFunction(char *func)
int i;

    for (i = 0; mapFuncs[i][0]; i++)
        if ( ! stricmp(mapFuncs[i][0], func))
            return mapFuncs[i][1];

    return NULL;

//    This function returns a pointer to static memory!
char *
convert_escape(char *value)
char key[32], val[256];
static char escape[1024];
char func[32], the_rest[1024];
char *mapFunc;

    sscanf(value, "%s %[^\r]", key, val);

    mylog("convert_escape: key='%s', val='%s'\n", key, val);

    if ( ! strcmp(key, "d") ||
         ! strcmp(key, "t") ||
         ! strcmp(key, "ts")) {

        strcpy(escape, val);
    else if ( ! strcmp(key, "fn")) {
        sscanf(val, "%[^(]%[^\r]", func, the_rest);
        mapFunc = mapFunction(func);
        if ( ! mapFunc)
            return NULL;
        else {
            strcpy(escape, mapFunc);
            strcat(escape, the_rest);

    else {
        return NULL;

    return escape;


char *
convert_money(char *s)
size_t i = 0, out = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
        if (s[i] == '$' || s[i] == ',' || s[i] == ')')
            ; // skip these characters
        else if (s[i] == '(')
            s[out++] = '-';
            s[out++] = s[i];
    s[out] = '\0';
    return s;

/*    This function parses a character string for date/time info and fills in SIMPLE_TIME */
/*    It does not zero out SIMPLE_TIME in case it is desired to initialize it with a value */
parse_datetime(char *buf, SIMPLE_TIME *st)
int y,m,d,hh,mm,ss,sss;
int nf;

    y = m = d = hh = mm = ss = sss=0;//by k@m

    if (buf[4] == '-')    /* year first */
                 nf = sscanf(buf, "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d.%d", &y,&m,&d,&hh,&mm,&ss,&sss);

         nf = sscanf(buf, "%2d-%2d-%4d %2d:%2d:%2d.%d", &m,&d,&y,&hh,&mm,&ss,&sss);

    if (nf == 5 || nf == 6) {
        st->y = y;
        st->m = m;
        st->d = d;
        st->hh = hh;
        st->mm = mm;
        st->ss = ss;
                st->sss = sss;

        return TRUE;

    if (buf[4] == '-')    /* year first */
        nf = sscanf(buf, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &y, &m, &d);
        nf = sscanf(buf, "%2d-%2d-%4d", &m, &d, &y);

    if (nf == 3) {
        st->y = y;
        st->m = m;
        st->d = d;

        return TRUE;

    nf = sscanf(buf, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &hh, &mm, &ss);
    if (nf == 2 || nf == 3) {
        st->hh = hh;
        st->mm = mm;
        st->ss = ss;

        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

/*    Change linefeed to carriage-return/linefeed */
convert_linefeeds(char *si, char *dst, size_t max)
size_t i = 0, out = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(si) && out < max - 1; i++) {
        if (si[i] == '\n') {
            /*    Only add the carriage-return if needed */
            if (i > 0 && si[i-1] == '\r') {
                dst[out++] = si[i];

            dst[out++] = '\r';
            dst[out++] = '\n';
            dst[out++] = si[i];
    dst[out] = '\0';
    return out;

/*    Change carriage-return/linefeed to just linefeed
    Plus, escape any special characters.
char *
convert_special_chars(char *si, char *dst, int used)
size_t i = 0, out = 0, max;
static char sout[TEXT_FIELD_SIZE+5];
char *p;

    if (dst)
        p = dst;
        p = sout;

    p[0] = '\0';

    if (used == SQL_NTS)
        max = strlen(si);
        max = used;

    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        if (si[i] == '\r' && i+1 < strlen(si) && si[i+1] == '\n')
        else if (si[i] == '\'' || si[i] == '\\')
            p[out++] = '\\';

        p[out++] = si[i];
    p[out] = '\0';
    return p;

/*    !!! Need to implement this function !!!  */
convert_pgbinary_to_char(char *value, char *rgbValue, int cbValueMax)
    mylog("convert_pgbinary_to_char: value = '%s'\n", value);

    strncpy_null(rgbValue, value, cbValueMax);
    return 0;

unsigned int
conv_from_octal(unsigned char *s)
int i, y=0;

    for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
        y += (s[i] - 48) * (int) pow(8, 3-i);

    return y;


unsigned int
conv_from_hex(unsigned char *s)
int i, y=0, val;

    for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {

        if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'f')
            val = s[i] - 'a' + 10;
        else if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'F')
            val = s[i] - 'A' + 10;
            val = s[i] - '0';

        y += val * (int) pow(16, 2-i);

    return y;

//    convert octal escapes to bytes
convert_from_pgbinary(unsigned char *value, unsigned char *rgbValue, int cbValueMax)
size_t i;
int o=0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(value); ) {
        if (value[i] == '\\') {
            rgbValue[o] = conv_from_octal(&value[i]);
            i += 4;
        else {
            rgbValue[o] = value[i++];
        mylog("convert_from_pgbinary: i=%d, rgbValue[%d] = %d, %c\n", i, o, rgbValue[o], rgbValue[o]);

    rgbValue[o] = '\0';    // extra protection

    return o;

char *
conv_to_octal(unsigned char val)
int i;
static char x[6];

    x[0] = '\\';
    x[1] = '\\';
    x[5] = '\0';

    for (i = 4; i > 1; i--) {
        x[i] = (val & 7) + 48;
        val >>= 3;

    return x;

//    convert non-ascii bytes to octal escape sequences
convert_to_pgbinary(unsigned char *in, char *out, int len)
int i, o=0;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        mylog("convert_to_pgbinary: in[%d] = %d, %c\n", i, in[i], in[i]);
        if ( isalnum(in[i]) || in[i] == ' ') {
            out[o++] = in[i];
        else {
            strcpy(&out[o], conv_to_octal(in[i]));
            o += 5;


    mylog("convert_to_pgbinary: returning %d, out='%.*s'\n", o, o, out);

    return o;

encode(char *in, char *out)
unsigned int i, o = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++) {
        if ( in[i] == '+') {
            sprintf(&out[o], "%%2B");
            o += 3;
        else if ( isspace(in[i])) {
            out[o++] = '+';
        else if ( ! isalnum(in[i])) {
            sprintf(&out[o], "%%%02x", in[i]);
            o += 3;
            out[o++] = in[i];
    out[o++] = '\0';

decode(char *in, char *out)
unsigned int i, o = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++) {
        if (in[i] == '+')
            out[o++] = ' ';
        else if (in[i] == '%') {
            sprintf(&out[o++], "%c", conv_from_hex(&in[i]));
            out[o++] = in[i];
    out[o++] = '\0';

/*    1. get oid (from 'value')
    2. open the large object
    3. read from the large object (handle multiple GetData)
    4. close when read less than requested?  -OR-
        lseek/read each time
        handle case where application receives truncated and
        decides not to continue reading.

    CURRENTLY, ONLY LONGVARBINARY is handled, since that is the only
    data type currently mapped to a PG_TYPE_LO.  But, if any other types
    are desired to map to a large object (PG_TYPE_LO), then that would
    need to be handled here.  For example, LONGVARCHAR could possibly be
    mapped to PG_TYPE_LO someday, instead of PG_TYPE_TEXT as it is now.
convert_lo(StatementClass *stmt, void *value, Int2 fCType, PTR rgbValue,
           SDWORD cbValueMax, SDWORD *pcbValue)
Oid oid;
int retval, result, left = -1;
int bind_row = stmt->bind_row;
BindInfoClass *bindInfo = NULL;

/*    If using SQLGetData, then current_col will be set */
    if (stmt->current_col >= 0) {
        bindInfo = &stmt->bindings[stmt->current_col];
        left = bindInfo->data_left;

    /*    if this is the first call for this column,
        open the large object for reading

    if ( ! bindInfo || bindInfo->data_left == -1) {
        oid = atoi(value);

        stmt->lobj_fd = lo_open(stmt->hdbc, oid, INV_READ);
        if (stmt->lobj_fd < 0) {
            stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR;
            stmt->errormsg = "Couldnt open large object for reading.";
                return COPY_GENERAL_ERROR;

        /*    Get the size */
        retval = lo_lseek(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd, 0L, SEEK_END);
        if (retval >= 0) {

            left = lo_tell(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd);
            if (bindInfo)
                bindInfo->data_left = left;

            /*    return to beginning */

            lo_lseek(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    if (left == 0) {
        return COPY_NO_DATA_FOUND;

    if (stmt->lobj_fd < 0) {
        stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR;
        stmt->errormsg = "Large object FD undefined for multiple read.";
        return COPY_GENERAL_ERROR;

    retval = lo_read(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd, (char *) rgbValue, cbValueMax);
    if (retval < 0) {
        lo_close(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd);
        stmt->lobj_fd = -1;

        stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR;
        stmt->errormsg = "Error reading from large object.";
        return COPY_GENERAL_ERROR;

    if (retval < left)
        result = COPY_RESULT_TRUNCATED;
        result = COPY_OK;

    if (pcbValue)
        *pcbValue = left < 0 ? SQL_NO_TOTAL : left;

    if (bindInfo && bindInfo->data_left > 0)
        bindInfo->data_left -= retval;

    if (! bindInfo || bindInfo->data_left == 0) {
        lo_close(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd);
        stmt->lobj_fd = -1;    /* prevent further reading */

    return result;

