Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] Visual Basic interface (Help needed)


RE: [INTERFACES] Visual Basic interface (Help needed)

"Ansley, Michael"
ADO should be the most responsive of the lot (DAO, RDO, ADO) over a slow
connection.  However, you need to make sure that you are doing it right,
including making use of the batch updatable, disconnected recordsets that
ADO offers.  This capability means that a connection to the database does
not have to be maintained between getting the data, and updating it.  Of
course, if you select half a million records, it's still going to be slow.
But if your queries are optimised properly, and your update processes take
the disconnected recordsets into account, you can run quite well over slow
links.  Also, try to ensure that your ODBC is configured optimally, which
may be different for disconnected recordsets than for connected ones.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Doyle [mailto:relyod@co-operation-ireland.ie]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 11:59 AM
>> To: pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org
>> Subject: [INTERFACES] Visual Basic interface (Help needed)
>> I wonder if anyone can tell me what is the most efficient
>> way of accessing a PostgreSQL database (hosted on a FreeBSD server)
>> in a program written in Visual Basic ?
>> I am using Visual Basic 6 and the Postgres ODBC drivers
>> and have found that while accessing the database on the LAN is
>> fairly responsive, the remote sites (connected by 128k leased line)
>> have unacceptable response times.
>> I was using the ADO controls in VB6.
>> Are there any better controls? Should I try to use the standard DAO
>> controls with an ODBC data source ?
>> Any hints on this would be greatly appreciated
>> <>< ============================================================ ><>
>> Michael Doyle                    email: 
>> relyod@co-operation-ireland.ie
>> Network Administrator            personal email:    relyod@indigo.ie
>> Co-operation Ireland      http://www.co-operation-ireland.ie/
>> Phone: +353-1-661 0588                          Fax: +353-1-661 8456
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