Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] odbc V3+


Re: [INTERFACES] odbc V3+

Paul wrote:
> Any scuttle butt on when the Postgresql odbc will move from 2 to 3?

To which Byron replied:
> Not very likely.  [SNIP-O-RAMA] The driver
> should still work with odbc 3.0 applications because the odbc driver
> manager is supposed to convert calls to odbc 2.x on the fly.  I'm not
> sure how extensively it does this.

I'd like to know where you came across this information, as I have not been able to confirm anywhere that a driver
managerwill perform the conversion you suggest.  Quite to the contrary, I have found the following statement in

"Applications that follow the ODBC 3.x specification must use conditional code to avoid using functionality new to ODBC
3.xwhen working with ODBC 2.x drivers. ODBC 2.x drivers do not support functionality new to ODBC 3.x just because the
applicationdeclares that it follows the ODBC 3.x specification."(MSDN Library - April 1999/    Platform SDK/    Data
AccessServices/     Microsoft Data Access 2.1 SDK/    Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)/    Part 2
DevelopingApplications and Drivers/    Chapeter 6: Connecting to a Data Source or Driver/    Page: Delcaring the
Application'sODBC Version )

So, if you have a resource that indicates the contrary, I'd sure like to get my hands on it.  Thanks.

Richard Blackwell
Dept. of Psychology, Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC   Canada