Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] Odbc on Linux


Re: [INTERFACES] Odbc on Linux

Morning,        We currently use Postgres 6.5.1 on a slackware linux 2.2.6 PII300     machine, 128mg ram 130mg
swap.        The client machines are a mix of win95B and winnt 4.0 SP 3 machines.     All are at least pentium 166's
withat least 32 mg ram.        The odbc driver we use is the latest from ftp.postgresql.org released     May 19th I
think.       We have some problems with Access97. We do a lot of DAO programming in     Access and the recordsets don't
reallywork all that well using the     postgres server. However, just simple export and import works fine, in
eitherdao or drag & drop modes. What we typically do is run all the     dao code on the mdb files and then when we're
readyto migrate it to     the web we do a simple export thru dao code.        Ideally I'd like to see Postgres work
transparentlywith Access. I'd     like to do dao code and not woory if the recorsets are going to work     like they
should.However, being the microsux realist I am that's     gonna be difficult if not impossible.            -Rob

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Subject: [INTERFACES] Odbc on Linux 
Author:  Paul <hardiman@hardiman.com>  at INTERNET
Date:    08/15/1999 10:18 PM

Anybody using ODBC interface to Postgres on Linux?    
Regards,                Paul Hardiman           InterMedia, Inc (Colorado)        Informations Systems Consulting
303-581-0606, Fax 581-0506, hardiman@hardiman.com