Обсуждение: Perl module


Perl module

Afternoon,        I'm still looking for a simpler way to take multiple line items and     put them into a
simpledelimitted array. I came up with the DataEase     subroutine in the module below. It uses the getvalue function.
It    ain't the prettiest but... it get the job done.        rob.pm is a personal library module I use for NT and
Linux.Just     simple grind 'em out kinda stuff. Should work where ever perl and     postgres reside...        -Rob
                               # Modified for LINUX    # By Robert Hiltibidal    # 14-JUN-99    # Y2K Project        #
librarypackage for web usage        # Made by Robert Hiltibidal    # 9-JUN-99    # Y2K Project    # Perl for NT
#NOTE: The LINUX version uses the PostgreSQl Perl Interface.    #       Comment out the use if the interface is not
available.       # Variables Shared:    # $title                        Web Page Title    # %FORM
 Associative Array of FORM variables    # $cpw                          Encrypted Password for HTACCESS Files    #
$user                        Remote User    # $ip                           Remote IP    # $date
Date in MsSql, PostgreSQL format    # $query                        Incoming Data Query    # $status
  Query Status    # @set                          Array of SELECT Query    #                               delimitter
isset to "|"    # $dbname                       Defined in main program        # Variables used but not intended for
share:   # I don't use the package statement. Makes it really easy to share    # variables across different files. Yet
thatstrength could cause     # problems. If you get really unexpected results, check for variables    # that may be
alreadyin use.            # Subroutines used:    # &grabit                       Grabs the POST methods    #
                  Not enabled for MIME yet    # &html_header                  Creates html header for http    #
&html_trailer                Ditto for the footer    # &MakeNewPassword              PERL Encryption algorythm for
HTACCESS    # &DataEase                     Stores SELECT query into @set    # &ExecQuery                    Executing
Query    #                               May be INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE etc,        # DataEase Query usage:    # I set
thequery in the main program and then call DataEase or     ExecQuery.     # Once the DataEase routine returns I have a
delimittedarray called    set that     # has  the information needed. Frequently I'll rename that array to    #
somethingmore logical and undef @set.      # Example:    # $dbname="y2k";    # $query = "Select username,password,email
fromusers";    # &DataEase;    # @users = @set;    # undef(@set);    #    # The @users looks like this:    #
marty|rjk889|marty@foo.org       # ExecQuery Query usage:    # Executing queries are really not complex. I use this for
  # INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE. I try not to use CREATE in automation.    # Example:    # $dbname="y2k";    # $query =
"INSERTinto users ";    # $query .= "VALUES (\'marty\',\'sdfg56\',\'marty\@foo.org\')";    # &ExecQuery;             #
Caveats:   # I have not used DataEase on rather large queries. So far 10,000    elements    # seems to be ok. DataEase
wasdesigned for simple, web based    # administration. I might suggest looking at C or Pascal if your    project     #
requiresprocessing of vast amounts of data.         # Terms of Use:    # This is an ad hoc collection of utilities that
makesmy life easier.    My    # thanks to individual authors who have shared their work. In the same    # spirit, feel
freeto use this library.      #    # -Rob    # rob@fgi.net            use Pg;        # Environment stuff    $user =
$ENV{"REMOTE_USER"};   $ip = $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"};        # Create the date (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss)
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdat)=    localtime(time);    $mon++;    ($wanted,$dumped) =
split(/\./,$sec);   $sec = $wanted;    $date = $mon."\/".$mday."\/".$year." ".$hour."\:".$min."\:".$sec;        # Get
webstring    #########################################    #   Grabs the info and puts into %FORM  #
#########################################       #    # Pareses out POST methods    #        sub grabit {     if
($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}eq 'POST') {        read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});        #Split the named pairs
     @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);        foreach $pair (@pairs) {            ($name,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
 $value =~ tr/+/ /;            $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;            $FORM{$name} =
$value;       }     }    }        # Html headers and footers    #########################################    #
 Html Header                #    #########################################        #     # Prints out http protocols
#   sub html_header {           print << "TEXT99999";    Content-type: text/html         <html>        <head>
<title>$title</title>   </head>        <body text="#000000" vlink="#FF00FF" alink="#FF00FF" link="#FF00FF"
bgcolor="#FEFFF2">   <center>    <font    color="#288C39"><big><big><big><em>$title</em></big></big></big></font    >
</center>    TEXT99999        }        #########################################    #            Html Trailer
   #    #########################################        #     # Closes out the html page    #    sub html_trailer {
print<< "TEXT99999";    </body>    </html>        TEXT99999    }        #########################################    #
         MakeNewPassword            #    #########################################        #    # Makes new htpasswd
passwords   #        sub MakeNewPassword {      # Random seed from p.223 of _Programming Perl_ (O'Reilly & Assoc)
srand(time()^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) );      @saltchars=(a..z,A..Z,0..9,'.','/');      # valid salt chars
$salt=$saltchars[int(rand($#saltchars+1))];     # first random salt char
$salt.=$saltchars[int(rand($#saltchars+1))];         # second random salt char      $cpw = crypt($password,$salt);    }
             #########################################    #               DataEase                #
#########################################       sub DataEase {    # Creates standard arrays with the "|" character as
thedelimitter        $conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbname");        $result = $conn->exec($query);        $status =
$conn->status;       $tuples = $result->ntuples;        $fields = $result->nfields;        $fields--;        $count =
0;       while ($count < $tuples ) {              $fieldcount = 0;              for ($fieldcount = 0;;$fieldcount++) {
               $entry .= $result->getvalue($count,$fieldcount);                  if ($fieldcount != $fields) {
          $entry .= "\|";                  }                  else {                     last;                 }
     }        push(@set,$entry);        $entry="";         $count++;        }        }
#########################################   #               ExecQuery               #
#########################################       #    # Makes a single executing query    #        sub ExecQuery {
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbname");        $result = $conn->exec($query);        $status = $conn->status    }