Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] PG6.5 + JDBC + Linux + Kaffe


RE: [INTERFACES] PG6.5 + JDBC + Linux + Kaffe

Peter Mount
Two things:

1) You shouldn't need to unzip the archive, but simply place the
postgresql.jar (or jdbc6.5.jar) file in the classpath.

2) Your JVM (Kaffe) isn't returning a version string that it can handle,
so the driver doesn't know which version to load (JDBC1 or JDBC2). You
will need to run it something like this:
java -Djava.version=1.2 aucserver

orjava -Djava.version=1.1 aucserver

Hope that helps


Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniele Orlandi [mailto:daniele@orlandi.com]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 12:51 AM
To: pgsql-interfaces@hub.org
Subject: [INTERFACES] PG6.5 + JDBC + Linux + Kaffe


I downloaded the 6.5 JDBC JAR for 1.1.x, unzipped with unzip, and run a
test application and this is the result:

[root@etabeta idsj]# java aucserver
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException       at java.text.MessageFormat.format(MessageFormat.java:238)       at
java.text.MessageFormat.format(MessageFormat.java:230)      at
postgresql.util.PSQLException.translate(PSQLException.java:83)       at
postgresql.util.PSQLException.<init>(PSQLException.java:45)      at postgresql.Driver.connect(Driver.java:106)       at
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:61)      at
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:49)      at aucserver.main(aucserver.java:41)

I'm using kaffe on linux 2.2.9, Redhat 6.0:

[root@etabeta idsj]# javac -version
Pizza v0.39g, 15-August-98, Copyright (c) 1996-98 Martin Odersky.

[root@etabeta idsj]# java -version
Kaffe Virtual Machine
Copyright (c) 1996-1999
Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved
Engine: Just-in-time   Version: 1.0b4   Java Version: 1.1

The test application does just:

Connection db=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://xtnet",

Any hint ?

Thanks in advance.

-- Daniele

-------Daniele Orlandi - Utility Line Italia - http://www.orlandi.comVia Mezzera 29/A - 20030 - Seveso (MI) - Italy