Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] Re: [sql] mysql vs. postgresql


RE: [INTERFACES] Re: [sql] mysql vs. postgresql

"Jackson, DeJuan"
I use PHP myself, but if I'm not mistaken there is a PostgreSQL Perl DBI
module (check CPAN).
And libpq can be compiled for Windows (not to mention all the other
platforms), so the Postgres.pm should work just fine.

I also think the PostgreSQL's user base is sufficient.

I'd say the discussion comes down toI need a fast reliable database, but I don't need transactions then
MySQL    else PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL has its problem as does MySQL.  PostgreSQL sacrifices some speed
for features that MySQL doesn't give.

And remember you get the code so you can fix it.

> It really depends on the platform and interface you will be using.  I am
> just finishing a WEB application developed in NT and transfered to Unix.
> I
> used HTML and Perl for displaying the data.  I could not find a perl
> module
> for postgresql for NT.  With MySQL, the Perl CGI scripts transfered
> directly from NT to Linux and Solaris.
> You will also find the support from MySQL excellent.  There is a large,
> knowledgeable user base.
> >This message posted by: "Raymond Hall H." <kovalski@ife.org.mx>
> >
> >Hello,
> >
> >Upon working on a huge database project (managing 332 electoral districts
> >in Mexico) our team is facing the decision between MySQL and Postgresql.
> >I'd really appreciate info (or pointers to) about comparisions & 
> >benchmarks between such programs.
> >tnx & regards,
> >Raymond
> >
> >sql.
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> >
> >
> Christopher R. Jones, P.Eng.
> 14 Oneida Avenue
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> Email cj@interlog.com