Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?


Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?

After many times of reconfiguring the ODBC connection profile, recreating
the database, and even re-installing the postODBC, I think the problem lies
on the fact that Powerbuilder needs a set of its own system (or 'catalog')
tables in order to work properly in the *visual* mode. Because right now
Powerbuilder reports an error ("Catalog table could not be created and are
not available for use") everytime I start a connection to the database.
Interestingly, I could create a table with INT4 and CHAR fields from
Powerbuilder's text mode and it worked, but in visual mode, it could only
see the 1st field and ignored the 2nd.

Anyway, thanks for suggesting looking into the log file. The log files
attached with this mail created right after the following process:
1) Re-create the database test.
2) In Powerbuilder, delete & then re-configure the ODBC connection profile,
uncheck 'ReadOnly'.
3) Start the trace log (from ODBC Data Source Admin).
4) Connect to the database, and got the error msg "Catalog...." as mentioned
5) Still can connect to the database. At this point if I am to create a new
table, Powerbuilder will show me only the 'char' type. But as far as the log
files are conecerned, I didnt do anything.
6) Disconnect from the database (by connecting to another db, i.e. Sybase).

If you examine the Sql.log, it did call SQLGetTypeInfo(). But the error
occured when exiting SQLSetStmtOption. Could that be the whole problem? Is
that a problem of PostODBC or Powerbuilder? Thanks for any help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
To: Daniel <daniel@ids.org.my>
Cc: pgsql-interfaces@hub.org <pgsql-interfaces@hub.org>
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?

>Daniel wrote:
>> Last week I got PostgreSQL 6.3.x running with -i switch and then created
>> test database. On Win95 end, postODBC was installed and my PowerBuilder
>> could connect to the database. Then I tried to transfer the data from
>> SQL Anywhere to Postgres via Powerbuilder's pipeline mechanism. In
>> Powerbuilder I did notice that there were some unfamiliar database type
>> Postgres such as INT4 to represent Sybase's INTEGER type and got me
>> excited. However I couldnt create anything in Postgres because I forgot
>> uncheck the "read-only" option when i setup the odbc connection, but
>> different story.
>> After coming back from weekend, I tried to do the transfer of data again,
>> and I did make sure the "read-only" option has been unchecked. But right
>> I encounter a new problem: I found that I could no longer see other data
>> type in Postgres except CHAR. I've tried all the possible setting in odbc
>> connection but it still doesn't help. What seems to be the problem?
>> help.
>I'm not sure why you would only see 'char'.  If the application is using
>odbc function SQLGetTypeInfo() to retrieve the data types, then maybe it is
>looking for data types that support a certain feature.  Maybe this is
>configurable.  I'm not really sure what your application is doing.
>If you want, you could send an odbc trace log of the session so we could at
>least see if it is calling SQLGetTypeInfo() and retrieving the results.
>Otherwise, there is nothing else I can do.
