Обсуждение: En: Problems accessing postgreSQL 6.3 on a win95 machine with ODBC 6.40.0003


En: Problems accessing postgreSQL 6.3 on a win95 machine with ODBC 6.40.0003

Hi all!
I am from Brazil, so sorry about my bad english :-)
My Problem: I installed PostgreSQL on a RedHat Linux (Brazilian version called MARUMBI, BY www.connectiva.com.br ), and PostODBC from Insight, version 6.40.0003 in a Windows 95 machine.
When I try to access the database from the win95 machine, it returns the following message: 
    - ODBC Failed !  - Connection is readonly.
What is strange is that I can change the structure of the tables, adding fields for example, but it don't let me change the data of the tables.
Is there any place that I have to configure, or anything else that I have to do??
I whil be very happy if somebody could helps me.
Thank everybody.
Edilson Carlos Belluomini