Обсуждение: Unexpected protocol character from backend


Unexpected protocol character from backend

I'm trying to use large objects from Borland C++ Builder via ODBC. Large
object wasn't created with an error message "Unexpected protocol character
from backend". This is quotting from mylog.log file:

SQLPutData: (1) cbValue = 8192
send_function(): conn=51460548, fnid=957, result_is_int=1, nargs=1
send_function: done sending function
  arg[0]: len = 4, isint = 1, integer = 393216, ptr = 393216
    done sending args
SOCK_flush_output: self->buffer_out = F , self->buffer_filled_out = 19,
written = 19
  after flush output
   got id = Z
send_function: error - Unexpected protocol character from backend
OID: 0
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLPutData, desc='', errnum=1, errmsg='Couldnt create
large object.'
CONN ERROR: func=SQLPutData, desc='', errnum=6, errmsg='Unexpected protocol
character from backend'
**** SQLError: henv=0, hdbc=0, hstmt=51475184
SC_get_error: status = 1, msg = #Couldnt create large object.;
Unexpected protocol character from backend#
       szSqlState = '08S01', szError='Couldnt create large object.;
Unexpected protocol character from backend'
**** SQLError: henv=0, hdbc=0, hstmt=51475184
       returning NO_DATA_FOUND

Couldn't anybody tell me please where can I get information about the
"protocol character".

Thank you, Mikhail.

Re: [INTERFACES] Unexpected protocol character from backend

Byron Nikolaidis

angg wrote:

> I'm trying to use large objects from Borland C++ Builder via ODBC. Large
> object wasn't created with an error message "Unexpected protocol character
> from backend". This is quotting from mylog.log file:
> [...]
> SQLPutData: (1) cbValue = 8192
> send_function(): conn=51460548, fnid=957, result_is_int=1, nargs=1
> send_function: done sending function
>   arg[0]: len = 4, isint = 1, integer = 393216, ptr = 393216
>     done sending args
> SOCK_flush_output: self->buffer_out = F , self->buffer_filled_out = 19,
> written = 19
>   after flush output
>    got id = Z
> send_function: error - Unexpected protocol character from backend
> OID: 0
> STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLPutData, desc='', errnum=1, errmsg='Couldnt create
> large object.'
> CONN ERROR: func=SQLPutData, desc='', errnum=6, errmsg='Unexpected protocol
> character from backend'
> **** SQLError: henv=0, hdbc=0, hstmt=51475184
> SC_get_error: status = 1, msg = #Couldnt create large object.;
> Unexpected protocol character from backend#
>        szSqlState = '08S01', szError='Couldnt create large object.;
> Unexpected protocol character from backend'
> **** SQLError: henv=0, hdbc=0, hstmt=51475184
>        returning NO_DATA_FOUND
> [...]
> Couldn't anybody tell me please where can I get information about the
> "protocol character".

This is a 6.4 protocol bug in the odbc driver.  I will fix it but in the
meantime, you can set the protocol to 6.3 and it should work.
