Обсуждение: Re: timestamp and MS Access 7.0


Re: timestamp and MS Access 7.0

Rudi Heitbaum
> Dear All,
> We've just started using the PostODBC drivers with Access 7.0 and have
> run into a bit of a problem.  We use the 'timestamp' field type, which
> isn't supported by Access or the ODBC driver (it seems).  On the web page
> "PostODBC Compatibility with MS Access" it says that 'abstime' is
> supported, and comes into access as a 'Date/Time', which seems like a
> good alternative.  However, when we tried it Access came back with
> "Reserved error (-7735)".  As we need both a date and a time, we thought
> about using a 'date' and 'time' field type.  The 'date' field type works
> just fine with Access, but the 'time' field type comes back as text.  Are
> there any alternatives we're missing?
> Oh, this is with PostgreSQL 6.3 and PostODBC 0.21.

 Try the later version 0.35 of PostODBC. This section of the web pages was
 current as of 0.30a/b.

 Also, the mailing list has moved to pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org,
 all discussion is moving there.



Rudi Heitbaum                Ph:  +61-3-9822 1216
Managing Director            Fax: +61-3-9822 1728
DARX Consulting Pty Ltd      http://www.darx.com.au/
mailto:rudi@darx.com.au      http://www.vsg.edu.au/