Обсуждение: Re: ANY ODBC DRIVERS SUPPORT Postgres v6.1/6.2


Re: ANY ODBC DRIVERS SUPPORT Postgres v6.1/6.2

The Hermit Hacker
pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org has been added to the CC of this email,
as support for PostODBC has been merged into the mainstream PostgreSQL
source tree and mailing lists...please redirect further queries there...

it is still maintained by Julie A. Case...

On Thu, 12 Mar 1998, Michael Yeung wrote:

> Dear all,
> Is there any ODBC Drivers supporting Postgres v6.1/6.2 ? If so, where
> can we download from ?
> Then, can we open the database in Postgres using MS-Access '97 ? If not,
> what can i do then ?

    First recommendation, from developers of PostgreSQL, is to upgrade
to v6.3, since, with v6.3, any of the old interfaces are pretty much
useless...the backend protocols have changed that dramatically.

    Julie is currently working out some bugs with the ODBC driver due
to some of those changes, and is hoping to have a stable version out over
the next week or so, last I talked with her...I'd guess that by the time
you got your system upgraded to v6.3, she'd have a stable driver ready
for you :

Marc G. Fournier
Systems Administrator @ hub.org
primary: scrappy@hub.org           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org