Обсуждение: PgAccess 0.82 and Postgres 6.3


PgAccess 0.82 and Postgres 6.3

Felix Morley Finch
PgAccess worked before I upgraded, doesn't now.  I tried using the new
pibpgtcl built by 6.3, that didn't help.  I'm nt familiar with tcl,
but it looks like the connect call passes 3 parms and that libpgtcl
expects 3 parms.  Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?

This is Linux 2.0.33, glibc 2/6, Postgres 6.3, PgAccess 0.82. wish4.2.

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / felix@crowfix.com
            PGP = 91 B3 94 7C E9 E8 76 2D   E1 63 51 AA A0 48 89 2F
I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o

Re: [INTERFACES] PgAccess 0.82 and Postgres 6.3

Constantin Teodorescu
Felix Morley Finch wrote:
> PgAccess worked before I upgraded, doesn't now.  I tried using the new
> pibpgtcl built by 6.3, that didn't help.  I'm nt familiar with tcl,
> but it looks like the connect call passes 3 parms and that libpgtcl
> expects 3 parms.  Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?

No. The number of parm's didn't changed. It must be some mixed libraries
from older version left somewhere.

I have completely remove all postgreSQL 6.2, libraries, libpq's and
libpgtcl's from anywhere on the system.
I have completely compiled postgreSQL 6.3 distribution from scratch.
Also , go in directory :


and issue make

after that, copy libpgtcl.so.1 to /lib/libpgtcl.so and also from
libpq/libpq.so.1.1 to /lib/libpq.so

PgAccess should work without any problem.
Don't forget to launch postmaster with the -i option.

Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA