Обсуждение: GIN over array of ENUMs


GIN over array of ENUMs

Rod Taylor
I wish to create this data structure but GIN does not currently support an array of ENUM. Is intarray() a good place to look into adding ENUM support or is there already an operator class for working supports enums that I simply don't see at the moment.

This is being done as an alternative to a very large number of boolean columns which are rarely true (under 1%).

CREATE TYPE feature AS ENUM ('item1', 'item2', 'item3');
CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, features feature[]);

CREATE INDEX test_features_idx ON test USING GIN (features, id);

ERROR:  data type feature[] has no default operator class for access method "gin"
HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.

Thanks in advance,


Re: GIN over array of ENUMs

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Rod Taylor <pg@rbt.ca> wrote:
> I wish to create this data structure but GIN does not currently support an
> array of ENUM. Is intarray() a good place to look into adding ENUM support
> or is there already an operator class for working supports enums that I
> simply don't see at the moment.

What does intarray have to do with enums?

If you're talking about contrib/intarray, I suspect that's not a
particularly good place to do anything, except maybe rm -rf .

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company