Обсуждение: Http Frontend implemented using pgsql?


Http Frontend implemented using pgsql?

Dobes Vandermeer
<p>I had a thought that it might be interesting to have a simple C fronted that converts HTTP to and from some pgsql
friendlystructure and delegates all the core logic to a stored procedure in the database.  <p>This might make it easier
tohack on the API without worrying about memory management and buffer overflow vulnerabilities.<p>Is this a brain wave
ora brain fart? 

Re: Http Frontend implemented using pgsql?

Aidan Van Dyk
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:27 AM, Dobes Vandermeer <dobesv@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a thought that it might be interesting to have a simple C fronted that
> converts HTTP to and from some pgsql friendly structure and delegates all
> the core logic to a stored procedure in the database.
> This might make it easier to hack on the API without worrying about memory
> management and buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
> Is this a brain wave or a brain fart?

Something along the lines of a stripped down mod_libpq?  http://asmith.id.au/mod_libpq.html

If we had something along the lines of JSON <-> Row/setof in core, I
could see this being a very nice "RPC" mechanism for PostgreSQL.

Plain HTTP still give's you the session/transaction control problem of
stateless clients, but maybe coupled with PgPool you could cobble
something together...

Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
aidan@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.