Обсуждение: Remove toast relid tracking from pg_upgrade


Remove toast relid tracking from pg_upgrade

Bruce Momjian
The attached, applied patch removes toast relid from the relation array
as it is no longer needed.  Also other remaming was done.

  Bruce Momjian  <bruce@momjian.us>        http://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB                             http://enterprisedb.com

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +
commit 0a5f11993195d74f23b63cc5c2d7024c6d27d7e2
Author: Bruce Momjian <bruce@momjian.us>
Date:   Mon Jan 10 11:45:22 2011 -0500

    A toast relid field are no longer needed in pg_upgrade's rel arrays, so
    remove them.  Also other renaming.

diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/check.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/check.c
index 74449df..fc82be4 100644
*** /tmp/6A0Xec_check.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
--- /tmp/ahdAoa_check.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
*************** check_new_db_is_empty(void)
*** 362,368 ****

!     dbarr_free(&new_cluster.dbarr);

      if (found)
          pg_log(PG_FATAL, "New cluster is not empty; exiting\n");
--- 362,368 ----

!     free_db_and_rel_infos(&new_cluster.dbarr);

      if (found)
          pg_log(PG_FATAL, "New cluster is not empty; exiting\n");
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/info.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/info.c
index c805a04..c041231 100644
*** /tmp/E8qJIb_info.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
--- /tmp/yt5zIb_info.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
*** 12,26 ****
  #include "access/transam.h"

- static void get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster);
- static void print_db_arr(ClusterInfo *cluster);
- static void print_rel_arr(RelInfoArr *arr);
- static void get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo);
- static void free_rel_arr(RelInfoArr *rel_arr);
  static void create_rel_filename_map(const char *old_data, const char *new_data,
                const DbInfo *old_db, const DbInfo *new_db,
                const RelInfo *old_rel, const RelInfo *new_rel,
                FileNameMap *map);

--- 12,26 ----
  #include "access/transam.h"

  static void create_rel_filename_map(const char *old_data, const char *new_data,
                const DbInfo *old_db, const DbInfo *new_db,
                const RelInfo *old_rel, const RelInfo *new_rel,
                FileNameMap *map);
+ static void get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster);
+ static void get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo);
+ static void free_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *rel_arr);
+ static void print_db_infos(DbInfoArr *dbinfo);
+ static void print_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *arr);

*************** create_rel_filename_map(const char *old_
*** 111,125 ****

! print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n, const char *dbName)
      if (log_opts.debug)
          int            mapnum;

!         pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "mappings for db %s:\n", dbName);

!         for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < n; mapnum++)
              pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "%s.%s: %u to %u\n",
                     maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname,
--- 111,125 ----

! print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n_maps, const char *db_name)
      if (log_opts.debug)
          int            mapnum;

!         pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "mappings for db %s:\n", db_name);

!         for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < n_maps; mapnum++)
              pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "%s.%s: %u to %u\n",
                     maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname,
*************** print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n, con
*** 131,136 ****
--- 131,160 ----

+  * get_db_and_rel_infos()
+  *
+  * higher level routine to generate dbinfos for the database running
+  * on the given "port". Assumes that server is already running.
+  */
+ void
+ get_db_and_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster)
+ {
+     int            dbnum;
+     get_db_infos(cluster);
+     for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
+         get_rel_infos(cluster, &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum]);
+     if (log_opts.debug)
+     {
+         pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "%s databases\n", CLUSTER_NAME(cluster));
+         print_db_infos(&cluster->dbarr);
+     }
+ }
+ /*
   * get_db_infos()
   * Scans pg_database system catalog and populates all user
*************** get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster)
*** 144,152 ****
      int            ntups;
      int            tupnum;
      DbInfo       *dbinfos;
!     int            i_datname;
!     int            i_oid;
!     int            i_spclocation;

      res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                              "SELECT d.oid, d.datname, t.spclocation "
--- 168,174 ----
      int            ntups;
      int            tupnum;
      DbInfo       *dbinfos;
!     int            i_datname, i_oid, i_spclocation;

      res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
                              "SELECT d.oid, d.datname, t.spclocation "
*************** get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster)
*** 183,209 ****

-  * get_db_and_rel_infos()
-  *
-  * higher level routine to generate dbinfos for the database running
-  * on the given "port". Assumes that server is already running.
-  */
- void
- get_db_and_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster)
- {
-     int            dbnum;
-     get_db_infos(cluster);
-     for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
-         get_rel_infos(cluster, &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum]);
-     if (log_opts.debug)
-         print_db_arr(cluster);
- }
- /*
   * get_rel_infos()
   * gets the relinfos for all the user tables of the database refered
--- 205,210 ----
*************** get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbIn
*** 224,250 ****
      int            num_rels = 0;
      char       *nspname = NULL;
      char       *relname = NULL;
!     int            i_spclocation = -1;
!     int            i_nspname = -1;
!     int            i_relname = -1;
!     int            i_oid = -1;
!     int            i_relfilenode = -1;
!     int            i_reltoastrelid = -1;
      char        query[QUERY_ALLOC];

       * pg_largeobject contains user data that does not appear in pg_dumpall
       * --schema-only output, so we have to copy that system table heap and
!      * index.  Ideally we could just get the relfilenode from template1 but
!      * pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index's relfilenode can change if the table was
!      * reindexed so we get the relfilenode for each database and upgrade it as
!      * a normal user table.
!      * Order by tablespace so we can cache the directory contents efficiently.

      snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
!              "SELECT DISTINCT c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname, "
!              "    c.relfilenode, c.reltoastrelid, t.spclocation "
               "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN "
               "        pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
               "    ON c.relnamespace = n.oid "
--- 225,244 ----
      int            num_rels = 0;
      char       *nspname = NULL;
      char       *relname = NULL;
!     int            i_spclocation, i_nspname, i_relname, i_oid, i_relfilenode;
      char        query[QUERY_ALLOC];

       * pg_largeobject contains user data that does not appear in pg_dumpall
       * --schema-only output, so we have to copy that system table heap and
!      * index.  We could grab the pg_largeobject oids from template1, but
!      * it is easy to treat it as a normal table.
!      * Order by oid so we can join old/new structures efficiently.

      snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
!              "SELECT c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname, "
!              "    c.relfilenode, t.spclocation "
               "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN "
               "        pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
               "    ON c.relnamespace = n.oid "
*************** get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbIn
*** 256,265 ****
               "    n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' "
               "    AND relname IN "
               "        ('pg_largeobject', 'pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index'%s) )) "
!              "    AND relkind IN ('r','t', 'i'%s)"
!              "GROUP BY  c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname, c.relfilenode,"
!              "            c.reltoastrelid, t.spclocation, "
!              "            n.nspname "
      /* we preserve pg_class.oid so we sort by it to match old/new */
               "ORDER BY 1;",
--- 250,256 ----
               "    n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' "
               "    AND relname IN "
               "        ('pg_largeobject', 'pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index'%s) )) "
!              "    AND relkind IN ('r','t', 'i'%s) "
      /* we preserve pg_class.oid so we sort by it to match old/new */
               "ORDER BY 1;",
*************** get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbIn
*** 280,286 ****
      i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
      i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname");
      i_relfilenode = PQfnumber(res, "relfilenode");
-     i_reltoastrelid = PQfnumber(res, "reltoastrelid");
      i_spclocation = PQfnumber(res, "spclocation");

      for (relnum = 0; relnum < ntups; relnum++)
--- 271,276 ----
*************** get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbIn
*** 297,303 ****
          strlcpy(curr->relname, relname, sizeof(curr->relname));

          curr->relfilenode = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_relfilenode));
-         curr->toastrelid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_reltoastrelid));

          tblspace = PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_spclocation);
          /* if no table tablespace, use the database tablespace */
--- 287,292 ----
*************** get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbIn
*** 314,356 ****

- static void
- free_rel_arr(RelInfoArr *rel_arr)
- {
-     pg_free(rel_arr->rels);
-     rel_arr->nrels = 0;
- }
! dbarr_free(DbInfoArr *db_arr)
      int            dbnum;

      for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < db_arr->ndbs; dbnum++)
!         free_rel_arr(&db_arr->dbs[dbnum].rel_arr);
      db_arr->ndbs = 0;

  static void
! print_db_arr(ClusterInfo *cluster)
!     int            dbnum;

-     pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "%s databases\n", CLUSTER_NAME(cluster));

!     for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
!         pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "Database: %s\n", cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum].db_name);
!         print_rel_arr(&cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum].rel_arr);
          pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "\n\n");

  static void
! print_rel_arr(RelInfoArr *arr)
      int            relnum;

--- 303,344 ----

! free_db_and_rel_infos(DbInfoArr *db_arr)
      int            dbnum;

      for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < db_arr->ndbs; dbnum++)
!         free_rel_infos(&db_arr->dbs[dbnum].rel_arr);
!     pg_free(db_arr->dbs);
      db_arr->ndbs = 0;

  static void
! free_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *rel_arr)
!     pg_free(rel_arr->rels);
!     rel_arr->nrels = 0;
! }

! static void
! print_db_infos(DbInfoArr *db_arr)
! {
!     int            dbnum;
!     for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < db_arr->ndbs; dbnum++)
!         pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "Database: %s\n", db_arr->dbs[dbnum].db_name);
!         print_rel_infos(&db_arr->dbs[dbnum].rel_arr);
          pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "\n\n");

  static void
! print_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *arr)
      int            relnum;

diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.c
index 485412d..294f58b 100644
*** /tmp/cqNMUd_pg_upgrade.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
--- /tmp/kQeJWd_pg_upgrade.c    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
*************** create_new_objects(void)
*** 281,287 ****

      /* regenerate now that we have objects in the databases */
!     dbarr_free(&new_cluster.dbarr);

--- 281,287 ----

      /* regenerate now that we have objects in the databases */
!     free_db_and_rel_infos(&new_cluster.dbarr);

*************** cleanup(void)
*** 428,435 ****

!     dbarr_free(&old_cluster.dbarr);
!     dbarr_free(&new_cluster.dbarr);
--- 428,435 ----

!     free_db_and_rel_infos(&old_cluster.dbarr);
!     free_db_and_rel_infos(&new_cluster.dbarr);
diff --git a/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h b/contrib/pg_upgrade/pg_upgrade.h
index 18cbc19..4461952 100644
*** /tmp/g0Iv5c_pg_upgrade.h    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
--- /tmp/eZYfXc_pg_upgrade.h    Mon Jan 10 11:47:29 2011
*************** typedef struct
*** 69,75 ****
      char        relname[NAMEDATALEN];    /* relation name */
      Oid            reloid;            /* relation oid */
      Oid            relfilenode;    /* relation relfile node */
-     Oid            toastrelid;        /* oid of the toast relation */
      char        tablespace[MAXPGPATH];    /* relations tablespace path */
  } RelInfo;

--- 69,74 ----
*************** FileNameMap *gen_db_file_maps(DbInfo *ol
*** 331,339 ****
                   DbInfo *new_db, int *nmaps, const char *old_pgdata,
                   const char *new_pgdata);
  void         get_db_and_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster);
! void        dbarr_free(DbInfoArr *db_arr);
! void print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n,
!            const char *dbName);

  /* option.c */

--- 330,338 ----
                   DbInfo *new_db, int *nmaps, const char *old_pgdata,
                   const char *new_pgdata);
  void         get_db_and_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster);
! void        free_db_and_rel_infos(DbInfoArr *db_arr);
! void        print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n,
!                 const char *db_name);

  /* option.c */