Обсуждение: Where to point CommitFestOpen?


Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Tom Lane
currently says that it's closed to new submissions, but this isn't
particularly helpful when the link it gives for where to submit them
points right back to itself.  So, where should we make CommitFestOpen
redirect to?

The problem I'm having with this is that the current scheme for naming
commitfest pages assumes you know the date for each one.  It seems way
premature to bet on when the first 8.5 fest will start.

Wikimedia does seem to support renaming pages, so it seems like what
we should do is adopt a vague name for the page for the moment and
rename it whenever the 8.5 schedule becomes clearer.  I'm tempted
to use CommitFest_2009-First as a temporary name.

Thoughts, better ideas?
        regards, tom lane

Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Josh Berkus

> Thoughts, better ideas?

Nope, that's why I ignored CommitFestOpen.  I couldn't figure out where 
to point it.

Note that I'm going to propose replacing the wiki with real software 
come 8.5.  The wiki method confuses new reviewers, and makes me spend 
about 500% as much time managing the CF as it would take with actual 
sofware.  Spec to come.


Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

"Brendan Jurd"
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> The problem I'm having with this is that the current scheme for naming
> commitfest pages assumes you know the date for each one.  It seems way
> premature to bet on when the first 8.5 fest will start.
> Wikimedia does seem to support renaming pages, so it seems like what
> we should do is adopt a vague name for the page for the moment and
> rename it whenever the 8.5 schedule becomes clearer.  I'm tempted
> to use CommitFest_2009-First as a temporary name.

That approach should be fine, although the naming scheme uses a space,
not an underscore:
 CommitFest 2009-First

Note that if you rename a page you also need to update any redirects
which point to it.


Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
> Note that I'm going to propose replacing the wiki with real software 
> come 8.5.

Where is this "real software" going to come from?  I can't imagine that
software with more functionality than the wiki is going to spring into
existence without a huge investment of time.

I also note that the problem I'm griping about is hardly the fault of
the wiki software --- it's that we set up a naming convention without
sufficient foresight about future conditions.  The only thing that
bespoke software might have done differently for us is impose some
perhaps-significantly-higher cost to change the convention.

So even if the software were going to appear for free, I think we have
evidence in hand right here that we don't know enough to write a spec
for it yet.  Maybe by 8.6 when we've been through a *full* release cycle
with the commitfest idea, we could spec it right.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Tom Lane
"Brendan Jurd" <direvus@gmail.com> writes:
> Note that if you rename a page you also need to update any redirects
> which point to it.

The directions on the "move" tab imply that this is taken care of
automatically?  But anyway it'll just be a minor amount of extra
work when the time comes.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Greg Smith
On Sun, 2 Nov 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Brendan Jurd" <direvus@gmail.com> writes:
>> Note that if you rename a page you also need to update any redirects
>> which point to it.
> The directions on the "move" tab imply that this is taken care of
> automatically?

What you get when you move something is redirect page that translates the 
old name into the new one.  But if you were already targeting that page 
with a redirect, it would take a double redirect to find the new location, 
and that doesn't work.  See 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Double_redirects for more details.

* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Tom Lane
Greg Smith <gsmith@gregsmith.com> writes:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
>> The directions on the "move" tab imply that this is taken care of
>> automatically?

> What you get when you move something is redirect page that translates the 
> old name into the new one.  But if you were already targeting that page 
> with a redirect, it would take a double redirect to find the new location, 
> and that doesn't work.  See 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Double_redirects for more details.

Somehow, "prevent infinite loops" doesn't seem like justification for
"refuse to deal with a situation that the software creates automatically".
They ought to be willing to burrow more than one level ... see any Unix
kernel's treatment of symlinks for behavior that has actually stood the
test of usability over time.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Where to point CommitFestOpen?

Jens-Wolfhard Schicke
Hash: SHA1

Tom Lane wrote:
> Somehow, "prevent infinite loops" doesn't seem like justification for
> "refuse to deal with a situation that the software creates automatically".
> They ought to be willing to burrow more than one level ... see any Unix
> kernel's treatment of symlinks for behavior that has actually stood the
> test of usability over time.
Having faced similar problems in another wiki some month ago, I wrote the
attached script to automate some tasks in a wiki. Maybe it will be of use.

Unfortunately I wrote it for a german wiki, some of the special pages
are named differently. Hence to use it in the Postgres-Wiki, something needs
to be done probably. (Not much though).

In particular it includes a function to "execute" a redirect in all pages
referencing a redirect page, i.e. change the links within all incoming pages.

  Jens-W. Schicke
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


use strict;
use warnings;
use MediaWiki;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $wiki = MediaWiki->new() or die "Wiki init failed";
my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$lwp->agent("Drahflow's Wiki Bot");

my $WIKINAME = $ARGV[0] or die "usage: ./bot.pl <Wiki>";

my $conf;

if($WIKINAME eq "AK") {
  $conf = {
    'wiki' => { 'host' => 'wiki.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de', 'path' => '/' },
    'bot' => { 'user' => 'Drahflow\'s Bot', 'pass' => 'secret' },
} else {
  die "Unknown wiki: $WIKINAME";


while(my $command = <STDIN>) {
  chomp $command;
  last if($command eq "q" or $command eq "quit");

  eval {
    dumpContent($1) if($command =~ /^DUMP ([^|]*)$/);
    execTest() if($command eq 'TEST');
    cleanupRedirect($1, $2) if($command =~ /^CREDIR ([^|]*)\|?(del)?$/);
    checkout($1) if($command =~ /^MVOUT ([^|]*)$/);
    checkin($1, $2) if($command =~ /^MVIN ([^|]*)\|?([^|]*)$/);
    copyout($1) if($command =~ /^GET ([^|]*)$/);
    checkToDoUsage() if($command =~ /^QTODO$/);
    checkLanguageSync() if($command =~ /^QLANG$/);
    moveCategory($1, $2) if($command =~ /^CMV ([^|]*)\|?([^|]*)$/);
    addCategories($1, $2) if($command =~ /^CADD (.*)\|\|(.*)$/);
  print STDERR $@ if $@;


sub loadSure {
  my ($name, $mode) = @_;

  die "no mode given" unless $mode;

  my $page = $wiki->get($name, $mode);
  unless($page and $page->load()) {
    die "could not load $name";

  print "Page $name loaded.\n";
  return $page;

sub loadCategorySure {
  my ($name) = @_;

  unless($name =~ /Kategorie:|Category:/) {
    die "category name must be given with prefix";

  my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
    'GET' => 'http://' . $conf->{'wiki'}->{'host'} . '/' . $name);
  my $res = $lwp->request($req);

  if(not $res->is_success()) {
    die "could not load $name";

  my ($subcatsPart) = $res->content() =~ /\n<h2>Unterkategorien(.*?)\n<h2/s;
  my ($articlesPart) = $res->content() =~ /\n<h2>Seiten in der Kategorie(.*?)\nVon/s;

  my $subcats = [];
  my $articles = [];

  while(defined $subcatsPart and $subcatsPart =~ s/.*?<a href="\/([^"]+)" title="([^"]+)">//) {
    push @$subcats, $2;

  while(defined $articlesPart and $articlesPart =~ s/.*?<a href="\/([^"]+)" title="([^"]+)">//) {
    push @$articles, $2;

  print "Category $name loaded.\n";
  return $articles, $subcats;

sub saveSure {
  my ($page, $summary, $minor) = @_;

  if($page->{'title'} =~ /Ortsgruppe/) {
    askConfirmation("Page " . $page->{'title'} . " looks like it should be left alone");

  die "no summary given" unless $summary;

  if($minor) {
    $page->{'minor'} = 1;
  } else {
    $page->{'minor'} = 0;

  $page->{'summary'} = $summary;
  unless($page->save()) {
    die "could not save " . $page->{'title'};

  print "Page " . $page->{'title'} . " saved.\n";
  return $page;

sub askConfirmation {
  my ($message) = @_;

  while(1) {
    print "==> $message, continue [N/y]\n";
    my $answer = <STDIN>;
    chomp $answer;
    if($answer eq '' or $answer eq 'n') {
      die "User confirmation failed.";
    if($answer eq 'y') {

sub dumpContent {
  my ($name) = @_;

  die "no name given" unless $name;

  my $page = loadSure($name, "r");

  my $text = $page->content();
  print Dumper($text);

sub execTest {
  my $page = loadSure('Benutzer:Drahflow/Sandkasten', "rw");

  my $text = $page->content();
  print Dumper($text);
  $page->{'content'} .= 'Minimaler Testlauf';
  saveSure($page, 'Testing [[Benutzer:Drahflow]]\'s Bot');

sub cleanupRedirect {
  my ($name, $del) = @_;

  die "no name given" unless $name;

  my @incoming;
  my $page = loadSure("Spezial:Linkliste/$name", "r");
  my $content = $page->content();
  while($content =~ s!<a href="/([^"]+)" title="([^"]+)">\2</a>[^<]*<span class="mw-whatlinkshere-tools">!!) {
    my ($url, $title) = ($1, $2);
    push @incoming, $title;

  print "Incoming links:\n";
  print Dumper(\@incoming);

  $page = loadSure($name, "r");
  $content = $page->content();
  $content =~ m!#redirect ?\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]!i or die "could not find redirect";
  my $redirect = $1;
  print "Redirect to: $redirect\n";

  foreach my $in (@incoming) {
    $page = loadSure($in, "rw");
    my $any = 0;
    my $mask = $name;
    $mask =~ s/ /[ _]/g;
    while($page->{'content'} =~ m!\[\[$mask(#[^ ]*)?( ?\|([^\]]+))?\]\]!s) {
      my ($anchor, undef, $display) = ($1, $2, $3);
      if(not defined $anchor) {
        $anchor = '';
      if(not defined $display) {
        $display = $name;
      print "Displayname: $display\n";

      $page->{'content'} =~ s!\[\[$mask(#[^ ]*)?( ?(\|[^\]]+)?)\]\]![[$redirect$anchor\|$display]]!;
      print "Link on $in fixed.\n";
    die "incoming link not found" if(not $any);
    askConfirmation("Page $in will be saved");
    saveSure($page, "Weiterleitungs-Cleanup, Link von $name auf $redirect verbogen");

  if($del) {
    $page = loadSure($name, "rw");
    $content = $page->content();
    if($content =~ m!^#redirect ?\[\[$redirect\]\]$!si) {
      $page->{'content'} .= "\n{{Vorlage:Drahflow/Löschen/Weiterleitung}}";
      print "Inserted deletion remark.\n";
    askConfirmation("Page $name will be saved");
    saveSure($page, "Weiterleitungs-Cleanup, Weiterleitung zum Löschen eingetragen");

  print "Done.\n";

sub sanitizeFilename {
  my ($name) = @_;

  $name =~ s/-/--/g;
  $name =~ s!/!-+!g;
  return "checkout/$name";

sub checkout {
  my ($name) = @_;

  die "no name given" unless $name;

  my $page = loadSure($name, "rw");
  if($page->content() =~ /{{ *InArbeit/ or
    $page->content() =~ /{{ *Vorlage: *InArbeit/) {
    askConfirmation("Page $name is tagged with {{Vorlage:InArbeit}}");

  my $origContent = $page->{'content'};
  $page->{'content'} =
    "{{Vorlage:InArbeit|[[Benutzer:Drahflow]]}}\n" . $page->{'content'};
  saveSure($page, "{{:Vorlage:InArbeit}} gesetzt", 1);

  my $filename = sanitizeFilename($name);
  open PAGE, '>', $filename or die "cannot open $filename: $!";
  print PAGE $origContent;
  close PAGE;

  print "Done.\n";

sub copyout {
  my ($name) = @_;

  die "no name given" unless $name;

  my $page = loadSure($name, "rw");
  my $filename = sanitizeFilename($name);
  open PAGE, '>', $filename or die "cannot open $filename: $!";
  print PAGE $page->content();
  close PAGE;

  print "Done.\n";

sub checkin {
  my ($name, $reason) = @_;

  die "no name given" unless $name;
  die "no reason given" unless $reason;

  my $filename = sanitizeFilename($name);
  open PAGE, '<', $filename or die "cannot open $filename: $!";
  my $origContent = join('', <PAGE>);
  close PAGE;

  my $page = loadSure($name, "rw");
  if($page->content() !~ /^{{Vorlage:InArbeit|\[\[Benutzer:Drahflow\]\]}}/s) {
    askConfirmation("Page $name is not tagged as being edited by you");

  $page->{'content'} = $origContent;
  saveSure($page, $reason);

  unlink $filename;
  print "Done.\n";

sub getTemplateUsers {
  my ($name) = @_;

  die "no template name given" unless $name;

  my $page = loadSure("Spezial:Linkliste/$name", "r");

  my @users;
  my $content = $page->content();
  while($content =~ s!<a href="/([^"]+)" title="([^"]+)">\2</a> *\(Vorlageneinbindung\) *<span
    my ($url, $title) = ($1, $2);
    push @users, $title;

  return @users;

sub checkToDoUsage {
  my @users = getTemplateUsers("Vorlage:ToDo");
  my @problems;

  foreach my $user (@users) {
    my $page = loadSure($user, "r");
    if($page->content() =~ /{{Vorlage: *ToDo/) {
      push @problems, $user;

  foreach my $user (@problems) {
    print "Problematic usage: $user\n";

  print "Done.\n";

sub moveCategory {
  my ($from, $to) = @_;

  die "no from category given" unless $from;
  die "no to category given" unless $to;

  my ($articles, $subcats) = loadCategorySure($from);

  my @problems;
  foreach my $entry (@$articles, @$subcats) {
    my $page = loadSure($entry, "rw");
    my $success = 0;

    if($page->{'content'} =~ /\[\[$to\]\]/) {
      if($page->{'content'} =~ s/\[\[$from\]\]//) {
        $success = 1;
    } else {
      if($page->{'content'} =~ s/\[\[$from\]\]/[[$to]]/) {
        $success = 1;

    if($success) {
      saveSure($page, "Kategorie-Umbenennung: von $from nach $to");
    } else {
      push @problems, $entry;

  foreach my $entry (@problems) {
    print "Problematic usage: $entry\n";

  print "Done.\n";

sub checkLanguageSync {
  my %users = map { ($_, $_) } getTemplateUsers("Vorlage:Mehrsprachig");
  my @problems;

  while(%users) {
    my ($first) = keys %users;

    my $page = loadSure($first, "r");
    unless($page->content() =~ /{{(Vorlage:)? *Mehrsprachig\b(.*)}}/s) {
      delete $users{$first};
      push @problems, "Could not find template call: $first";

    my $parameters = $2;
    unless($parameters =~ /\bsynchronisiert *= *1/) {
      delete $users{$first};

    my @otherPages;
    push @otherPages, $1 if($parameters =~ /\bde *= *([^|{}]*)/s);
    push @otherPages, $1 if($parameters =~ /\ben *= *([^|{}]*)/s);

    @otherPages = grep { $_ ne $first } map { chomp; $_ } @otherPages;

    if(@otherPages < 1) {
      delete $users{$first};
      push @problems, "Synchronization group of less than 2 on $first";

    OTHERS: foreach my $other (@otherPages) {
      my @firstLines = split /\n/, $page->content();
      my @otherLines = split /\n/, loadSure($other, "r")->content();

      if(@firstLines != @otherLines) {
        push @problems, "Line counts differ between $first and $other";
        last OTHERS;

      @firstLines = map { length($_)? 1: 0; } @firstLines;
      @otherLines = map { length($_)? 1: 0; } @otherLines;

      for(my $i = 0; $i < @firstLines; ++$i) {
        if($firstLines[$i] ne $otherLines[$i]) {
          push @problems, "Line " . ($i + 1) .
            " differs between $first and $other";
          last OTHERS;

    delete $users{$first};
    foreach my $page (@otherPages) {
      delete $users{$page};

  foreach my $entry (@problems) {
    print "$entry\n";

  print "Done.\n";

sub addCategories {
  my ($categories, $names) = @_;

  my @categories = split(/\|/, $categories);
  my @names = split(/\|/, $names);

  die "no categories given" unless @categories;
  die "no pages given" unless @names;

  my %pagesInCat;

  foreach my $cat (@categories) {
    my $correctPages = loadCategorySure($cat);
    $pagesInCat{$cat} = $correctPages;

  foreach my $name (@names) {
    my $page = loadSure($name, "rw");

    my $changes = 0;
    foreach my $cat (@categories) {
      next if(grep { $_ eq $name } @{$pagesInCat{$cat}});

      $page->{'content'} .= "\n[[$cat]]";
      print "$cat added.\n";
      $changes = 1;

    if($changes) {
      saveSure($page, "Kategorie hinzugefügt");

  print "Done.\n";

#TODO: Something within a directory which is also a name of a category should
#      belong to said category
#TODO: Nothing should belong to a category and also directly to some category
#      above it.
#TODO: Everything should have a category
#TODO: Categories should not be cyclic
